Yahoo! Group

This page became outdated when Yahoo! discontinued it’s Group email service.  As a replacement, many neighbors us

To sign up: and our group is SouthRiverAustin.


SRCC residents can join the neighborhood’s long-standing Yahoo! Group (a.k.a. “the list-serve” or “the list”) to communicate with over a thousand of their fellow neighbors. Topics of discussion range from zoning, to local businesses, to lost pets, to restaurant recommendations.

Simply go to the front door of the list, which is to be found here:

And follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Join” and under comment furnish name and address and, if applicable, your “Joe sent me.”
  2. If there’s difficulty in joining, please write directly to the list administrator, Jane Kellogg –
  3. There’s a lot of boilerplate language that’s sent out by Yahoo, which houses the list, but it is not necessary to form a Yahoo i.d. in order to post messages or read them individually or in digest form.
  4. A Yahoo i.d. *is* necessary for those who wish to sign in at the list-site, whether to read postings by that means (“no e-mail” was selected), to view archived messages generally, or to view or contribute to the database of recommendations.