Membership & Dues
Anyone who lives within the SRCC boundaries is welcome to participate and attend meetings. However, voting on issues is limited to members. Dues-paid members may vote when SRCC faces motions, elects officers, and makes organizational decisions. Dues income is used to support newsletters and expenses related to representing the interests of residents in zoning cases. Dues and Contributions are not tax deductible.
NOTE: In order to vote, dues must be paid a month in advance, per by-laws requiring a 28-day waiting period after dues are paid until new member can vote, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote.
Memberships expire in month you initially joined. The SRCC Membership Chair sends renewal reminders to members IF a current email address is on file. Please keep us up to date with your current email address. For membership info or to check your current status, contact
You can also have your annual membership dues automatically charged each year by using our subscription option but you must have a PayPal account to participate in the subscription service. |
Make a donation:
Attend one of our regular meetings and make a payment directly.
Become a member by mailing in your information.
Complete the SRCC Membership Form and send it, along with a check made payable to:
Attention: Treasurer
P.O. Box 40632
Austin, TX 78704