Category Archives: Neighborhood Watch and Patrol

The SRCC neighborhoods are easy targets for criminals and our residents have experienced an upsurge in the amount of home and auto burglaries within our boundaries. To combat this rise in property crime, we have formed the SRCC Neighborhood Watch and Patrol Program. If you are interested in protecting yourself or if you have been a victim of crime and want to help stop more of it from happening, we’d love to have you take part in our Neighborhood Watch Program. Just follow these steps:

1. Tell us you are interested. Get in touch with us by sending an email to Tom Groce at – please provide your name and address so we can be sure you are within the covered area.

2. Join or form a watch area. We will send you our Area Map so you can see if your house is already in an existing block captain’s area. If you are in an existing block captain’s area, you can contact them and start participating or, if they haven’t kicked things off yet, you can help them do so. If you aren’t in an existing block captain’s area, then we will give you instructions and materials to help you start your own.

3. Volunteer for our Patrol Program. If you can give us an hour every week or two, we’d love to have you join our pilot Patrol Program. After a very simple training session, you can sign up on our calendar to patrol areas of the SRCC and take a more active role in preventing crime in our neighborhood.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:
Tom Groce
Chair, Public Safety

Our APD District Representatives

The Austin Police Department has a system of district representatives who represent specific areas and serve as liaisons between APD and neighborhoods. These officers are our best points of contact with APD and can be a valuable resources for targeting problem areas and preventing crime. The city is divided into regions, sectors, and districts. The SRCC area overlaps with two different regions: Region 3 and Region 4. This means that we have two APD reps. If you live north of Oltorf and east of Congress Avenue, your rep is Officer Black. If you leave south of Oltorf and west of IH-35, your rep is Officer Rougeou. Both officers attended the October SRCC meeting to introduce themselves. Below is their contact information; please contact them directly if you have ongoing concerns with crime. If you need immediate assistance, always dial 911.

Andre Black, Region 3 Henry Sector 1 rep
(North of Oltorf, East of Congress Ave)

Shawn Rougeou, Region 4 David Sector 1 and 2 rep
(South of Oltorf, West of IH-35)

Our Constable is George Morales (Precinct Four): Phone: (512) 854-9488

Neighborhood Watch & Patrol Update

Since February, those of us involved in the SRCC Neighborhood Watch program have been working on a new approach to fighting crime in our neighborhoods.  You may remember from our last update that our new efforts have been centered around … Continue reading

Posted in Mobility, Neighborhood Watch and Patrol, Public Safety | 3 Comments