Information on the temporary helistops proposed for our neighborhood during F1

Many residents have expressed concern over the proposed temporary helistops that the City may approve for use during the F1 race in mid-November.  This article on KVUE brought the issue to light and, from the conversations on our Yahoo! Group, it’s clear that we have some of the same concerns that the Barton Hills and Zilker neighborhoods have regarding the noise that these frequent flights will cause.

In response to the concerns that Council Member Laura Morrison voiced about the process by which these temporary helipad sites were being reviewed, the Aviation Executive Director, Jim Smith, published a clarification letter that was sent to SRCC today.  We wanted to get this letter to you in advance of our General Meeting on Monday evening where we intend to discuss this issue and take appropriate action.

Please see the document linked below – pay special attention to the updated flight routes at the end of the document.

10-29-12 Memo to M&C re- Temporary Helistop

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