RE: the sherwood oaks drainage “improvement” project

I’m happy to report that the drainage easement that has sat idle and eroding for over two years (and was discussed at the last SRCC meeting) has now been cleared of Johnsongrass and other weeds and has been covered with erosion control blanket. So things are looking up for the Preserve restoration part of the project, but we still need favorable weather and time for native plants to sprout and grow.

We too had a “responsiveness” issue when we tried to go through designated channels to follow up on the restoration of the new drainage easement in Blunn Creek Nature Preserve at the end of Long Bow. However, thanks to persistent neighbors, we have recently received help from other folks in the City by going through other channels and have found them to be quite helpful and responsive.



From: [] On Behalf Of g
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 9:14 AM
Subject: [SouthRiverAustin] larry mendez and the sherwood oaks drainage “improvement” project

does anyone else in sherwood oaks feel like we’ve been under assault from construction for about 3 years? and does anyone else in sherwood oaks feel like the project STILL isn’t done? were our streets ever repaved as promised? do you have orange cones in your front yard? have you tried to contact the contractor, larry mendez, only to be ignored? well… you aren’t alone.

i would like to hear what others have to say and also work to draft a motion to send the city a letter of disapproval of this particular contractor and the entire project.


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