Wattmeter program launches at Twin Oaks Library on October 15, 2011

Austin Public Library and Austin Energy are hosting an event at the Twin Oaks Branch Library (1800 South 5th Street) Saturday, October 15 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The use of the wattmeter will be demonstrated, and you can bring in any item you would like to test. The person with the scariest phantom load will receive a prize. Find out exactly how much electricity all of your plug-ins are drawing (with power on and off ) by checking out a wattmeter at the Austin Public Library. Beginning October 15, you can check out one of the easy-to-use wattmeters for three weeks through any of the libraries.  You will also find a good selection of books and materials on energy efficiency and conservation tips.  You might be surprised to discover that some of your every- day household appliances use quite a bit of electricity when they are plugged in but turned off. Called “phantom load” or “vampire power”, this energy drain can account for about 10% of an individual home’s electricity use – enough electricity to more than pay an electric bill one month of each year. Plugging devices like the TV, DVD player, and DVR into a power strip and switching it off when not in use can save you a surprising amount of money.

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