Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 7:00 PM

Hybrid: In-person and Zoom Meeting at Good Shepherd on the Hill, 1700 Woodland Avenue 

SRCC: See the future. Shape the future.



1  Welcome Members and Guests

Presenter unless otherwise noted: Noah Balch, SRCC President

Verification of quorum. 

The Meeting was called to order at 7:04

2  Approve General Membership Meeting Minutes

Presenter: Chris Phillips-Frishman, SRCC Secretary 

Vote on motion to approve minutes. Meeting minutes available at:

The Secretary recorded Minutes for the General Membership Meeting of Tuesday, January 16th, 2024; the Minutes were distributed for feedback and then published on January 29th, 2024. The President asks if there are objections or corrections to the Minutes, none being voiced, the Minutes are approved unanimously.

Upcoming Meetings

General Meetings: April 16th, May 21st, June 18th, August 20th, September 17th, October 15th, December 17th

Executive Committee: March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th, August 6th, September 3rd, October 1st, December 3rd

3  Treasurer’s Report

Presenter: Will Andrews, SRCC Treasurer 

All reports available upon request:

4  Membership Report

Presenter: Mary Janecek-Friedman, SRCC

Members must pay dues to participate in SRCC business and actions, such as voting and making motions.

Not sure if your membership is current? Email: and we’ll let you know. Try the PayPal subscription option for automatic annual renewals: Join or renew at

Membership is at 244 dues paying Members, up from previous month.

5  Reports from Standing Committee Chairs

a) Planning and Zoning

Anita Tschurr gave us a few updates:

222 East Riverside (the older County buildings) have filed for a zoning change. The development could be 400 to 700 feet which would be a large change for the area.

Travis Preservation has sent us notice for a public meeting regarding their planned renovation of the Travis Park Apartments property built in 1968. All tenants will be continued and affordable housing will be maintained, just renovations to the existing buildings and grounds. 

We intend to invite them at a later date to reestablish a relationship with the new management and we’ve had a continued desire to support these residents.

b) Historic Preservation

c) Finance

Sam Martin updates that the Financial Review is underway and there should be report next month

d) Mobility


e) Public Safety

Tom Groce reports that crime is up across the neighborhood. If you have questions, concerns, ideas or input, please contact Tom. Tom has several resources available, he’ll include them in the next Newsletter.

f) Parks and Environment

David Todd updates us that there are a lot of Park Projects going on right now, so be encouraged to find a way to participate. March 2nd is It’s My Park Day; there will be three or four projects in Stacy Park.

Ruth suggests that we invest in Heritage Oaks park this year.

g) Schools

Gretchen Otto reminds us that Torchys Tacos has stated their intention to get a waiver to be able to sell alcohol; we have historically opposed these.

h) Communications 

Betty Weed celebrates that we are having a Hybrid Meeting. Ruth Casarez gives us a timeline on the upcoming Newsletter; we are working on publishing this issue early due to the upcoming Elections for our Executive Committee.

6 Reports from Area Coordinators and Group Representatives


David Todd gives an update on the public input meetings that they have been having each fortnight. February 21st is the next one. There will also be a presentation in March with updates.

b) ANC


c) SCC


d) South Central Waterfront
Regulation Plan:

South Central Waterfront (SCW) Combining District and Density Bonus Program draft document is now available for public review on the Speak Up Austin page:

 The public review period will last roughly one month, through March 20. In addition to the draft document and survey available on the SCW Speak Up Austin page, members of the public will be able to learn more about the South Central Waterfront District and provide comment.  

Details for the public meetings are:

Wednesday, February 28th from 6 – 7:30 PM (online)

Monday, March 18th from 6 – 8 PM (in person, Central Library)

Wednesday, March 20th from 10 – 11:30 AM (online)

For some additional details, you can also find information on the City’s South Central Waterfront website (the website has a link to the Speak Up site, as well).

A Combining District with Density Bonus is being proposed instead of a Regulating Plan. Rather than extracting community benefits as described by the 2016 SCW Vision Framework Plan, the new plan is to allow for far greater developer entitlements similar to Central Business District (CBD) which was not the intention of the 2016 Vision Framework Plan or the understanding of SRCC. If this plan is adopted, developers may opt-in and receive administrative approval without a public hearing or community oversight. SRCC should plan to take a position on the Combining District with Density Bonus during the comment period.


Taxpayers Against Giveaways and the Save Our Springs Alliance, joined by former state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, former City Council member Ora Houston and resident Faye Holland, sued Austin officials over their Tax Increments Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ)  plan.  Austin organizing groups Go Austin/Vamos Austin, and People in Defense of Earth and Her Resources joined the legal effort this month.

On February 20, 2024, attorneys for the plaintiff group and the city presented their cross motions for summary judgment regarding the lawsuit to Hon. Jessica Mangrum, at 200th District Travis County Civil Court. The decision of this case will determine how the South Central Waterfront will proceed.  

e) St. Edward’s



7  District 9 Presentation by Council Member Zo Qadri

Presenter: Council Member Zo Qadri, Austin City Council

Updates regarding District 9 and relevant policy discussion with CM Qadri, including a Q&A.

Noah introduces Zo; Zo addresses the issues that he is hearing at his office. We are seeing an uptick in hate crimes in District 9 as of late, unfortunately. If you are having concerns, please reach out to his office.

Downtown Austin Alliance, is working on The Heart Program with Urban Alchemy, it’s a 6 month program to engage with and assist homeless individuals downtown. If this Program is successful, Zo would want to budget for this type of program on an ongoing basis. 

Mental Health Divergence Center aims to take in people experiencing mental health issues to avoid them cycling into jails or hospitals. This aims to create a dedicated pathway for those suffering from mental health issues and homelessness.

HOME Initiative… working with Preservation Austin to support Historic Preservation in order to keep older homes viable and preserved. Questions were asked about financial assistance Loan or Grant programs for people who would benefit from ADUs but aren’t financially fluid. City staff has been directed to create these programs. 

Anita offers that District 9 has the highest saturation of low-income and affordable housing, primarily because of the age of our neighborhood. She also raises the concerns of the intention for density, but no scope or economics for future affordable housing, as well as over-taxed services and infrastructure.

Bouldin Creek Green Belt clean-up was able to get 72 homeless individuals into shelters; the process took 3 months and now the greenbelt is improved.

Working on the I-35 Expansion, Project Connect and ETOD (Equitable Transit-Oriented District) and the effects of those on the neighborhood. ETOD applies a half-mile coverage, which would put the majority of our neighborhood inside the density zone.

SCWAB is back with public input and new involvement due to Project Connect. SCWAB will not be in an ETOD, which doesn’t help the neighborhood.

Zo encourages us to reach out to his office and engage with them about concerns and input. Zo also offers to meet personally with a small group to discuss the impact of HOME Phase 1 and to prepare for Phase 2.

HOME Phase 2 will start with Town Hall meetings as early as next month. A vote can be expected in May of 2024.

8  Project Connect Presentation

Presenters: Courtney Chavez, Austin Transit Partnership SVP and Jen Pyne, Austin Transit Partnership

Austin Transit Partnership will present the proposed map and routes of Austin’s Light Rail.

Jen Pyne gives us an overview of the Project Connect Implementation Plan of last summer. About 15 stations, covering 9.8 miles with embedded tracks, are currently planned. Our areas of concern are South Congress and Riverside. This should become operational in the early 2030s.

Wendy Todd is advocating for greater community involvement and smaller group meetings with SRCC and other affected parties.

9  Parking and Transportation Management District

Presenters: Mark Thompson, SRCC Mobility Chair and Curtis Rogers, Austin Transportation


Discuss the latest developments regarding parking zones, permits, and regulations for the South Congress PTMD.

Curtis presents about the current status of the PTMD and presents some really encouraging financials, a portion of which will benefit our area directly. 

Questions about Handicap parking access and enforcement as well as sidewalk-free streets in our neighborhood. 

10  Vote on 2 Letters from Historic Preservation 

Presenters: Wolf Sittler, SRCC Member, Susan Armstrong Fisher, SRCC Historical Preservation 

a) Vote on a proposed new position letter supporting the contribution of City funds to restore the Norwood House.

Wolf Sittler presents his letter for a vote: 

Wolf Sittler makes the Motion, Ruth Casarez seconds

Friendly Amendment to include the Mayor, Hayden and Qadri and the City Council, ATP, Trail Conservancy, Preservation Austin

Ayes  30  Nayes  3 Abstain 0  Motion passes

b) Vote on a proposed historical preservation letter addressed to realtors for Travis Heights.

Susan and Cliff present their letter for a vote: 

Wendy Todd makes the Motion, Anita Tschurr seconds 

Sam Martin makes a Secondary Motion to Table the Motion for further review, no second occurred so the Motion doesn’t pass.

Ayes  29   Nayes 1  Abstain 2  Motion passes


NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at:

If you have questions about using the Neighborhood ListServ:

Check crime reports and statistics here:

The Meeting adjourned at 9:16pm

The next General Membership meeting is April 16, 2024.

The next Executive Committee meeting is March 5, 2024.

Frequently used acronyms:

ACF: Austin Community Fund

ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council

BoA: Board of Adjustment

CDC: Community Development Corporation

EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team

ETOD: Equitable Transit-Oriented District

FLUM: Future Land Use Map

GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team

NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District

NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act

NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team

PC: Planning Commission

PUD: Planned Unit Development

SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations

SF: Single Family zoning category

TECHS CAT: Travis Early College High School

ZAP: Zoning and Platting

Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch,

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