Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 7:00 PM

Zoom Meeting

SRCC: See the future. Shape the future.


1 Welcome Members and Guests

Presenter throughout unless otherwise noted: Noah Balch, SRCC President 

Verification of quorum. Quorum not met (no binding votes presented).

The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm

2 Approve General Membership Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes available at:

Presenter: Chris Phillips-Frishman, SRCC Secretary 

The Secretary recorded minutes for the General Membership Meeting of Tuesday October 17th, 2023; the Minutes were distributed for feedback and then published on October 23rd, 2023. The President asks if there are objections or corrections to the Minutes, none being voiced, the Minutes are approved unanimously.

Upcoming meetings

General Membership –  December 19th, 2023

Executive Committee –  December 5th, 2023

3 Treasurer’s Report

Presenter: Sam Martin for Will Andrews, SRCC Treasurer 

All reports available upon request:

4 Membership Report

Members please pay dues to participate in SRCC business and actions, such as voting and making motions. Try the PayPal subscription option for automatic annual renewals:

Presenter: Mary Janecek-Friedman, SRCC Membership 

Membership at 229 – not sure if your membership is current? Email: and we’ll let you know.

5 Reports from Standing Committee Chairs

a) Planning and Zoning

Presenter: Anita Tschurr

Hyatt expansion into the parking lot refused to connect to the Water Reclamation project, so they will not move forward with a planned tower. 

b) Historic Preservation

Presenter: Susan Armstrong Fisher

514 East Live Oak is up for destruction with some objections, and has been postponed.

The Norwood House has a committee looking into the future of that property.

c) Finance


d) Mobility

Presenter: Mark Thompson

PTMD – there’s been a delay in the signage in the neighborhood; they are all installed on SoCo. There have been some issues with Employee usage, but that seems to be smoothing out.

There is a list from 2014 of our sidewalk and mobility improvements that is guidance for these future projects, and it can be added to.

e) Public Safety

Presenter: Tom Groce

Additional patrollers needed – please contact him if you’re available

f) Parks and Environment

Presenter: Gayle Goff 

Discussion on Heritage Oaks Park; there has been a problem with homeless encampments. There is a desire to remove fencing and invasive plants and to restore the spring-fed pond on site. Too much current misuse and runoff.

No motion or action suggested.

g) Schools


h) Communications 


6 Reports from Area Coordinators and Group Representatives


Presenter: Noah Balch for David Todd and Gretchen Otto

Looking now at Community input – want to achieve LEED goals, sustainability and impervious cover concerns, designing the spaces to be minimal in the landscape and provide community spaces for use.

b) ANC

Presenter: Anita Tschurr

General update on the Land Use Code with many concerns expressed from the Membership. After much discussion, it was agreed the matter will be brought up at the next meeting (Executive Committee on 12/05/23) to discuss options regarding sending the CC a formal position statement.

c) SCC


d) SCW


e) St. Edward’s 



7 Parks and Environment

Presenters: David Todd, SRCC Parks and Environment – not present (Noah Balch presents)

Discussion on a new State law that will force Austin to change park dedication rules for new developments; consider Triangle Park at the Live Oak development, and investment for clean-up efforts.

Update on the new State Law and its ramifications. Existing requirements have been pulled back, so anything already in consideration is in contention now. New standards in effect January, 2024.

8 Planning and Zoning

Updates on current issues

Presenter: Anita Tschurr, SRCC Planning and Zoning Chair

The current proposal to revise the Land Development Code continues to spark engagement; the recent City Council Meeting showed a small favorable margin in terms of public participation; there is opposition from most neighborhood groups.

Discussion of VMU2 lawsuits regarding notice concerns over affordable unit ordinances (only Affordability Unlocked remains).

The Hyatt PUD request to eliminate parking requirements did not pass because they will not connect to the City’s reclaimed water line; the tower project is not moving forward.

9 Mobility

General updates re: CapEx, Project Connect, and PTMD

Presenter: Mark Thompson, SRCC Mobility Chair

Project Connect was going to participate in this meeting but they are not ready yet, so will attend in January

Discussion on a lawsuit against Austin City Council and Austin Transit Partnership – Dirty Martins and others have noted that this wasn’t done with a traditional bond; there are issues with the current map and changes that haven’t been incorporated.

New law removing requirements for parking spaces in new developments was discussed


NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at:

The next General Membership meeting is December 19, 2023.

The next Executive Committee meeting is December 5, 2023.

The Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm 

If you have questions about using the Neighborhood ListServ:

Frequently used acronyms:

ACF: Austin Community Fund

ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council

BoA: Board of Adjustment

CDC: Community Development Corporation

EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team

FLUM: Future Land Use Map

GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team

NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District

NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act

NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team

PC: Planning Commission

PUD: Planned Unit Development

SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations

SF: Single Family zoning category

TECHS CAT: Travis Early College High School

ZAP: Zoning and Platting

Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch,

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