Shakespeare Camp

Summer Shakespeare Camp 2019
Join us — only 14 spots.

Open to children ages 8-10
Plays, Writing and Puppeteering

Visit the world of Shakespeare. Improve your writing. Learn how to write in cursive, create stories and apply it to your writing. Let your imagination run wild!!! The camp thespians will learn and share with voice and purpose. Fun way to continue their learning before you set off on summer vacation!

  • Story telling
  • Shakespeare Story reading/writing/performing
  • Cursive Writing
  • Acting, puppeteering, games, recess

When: June 3rd- June 7th
Where: Travis Heights
Time: 7:30-3:00 pm
Price: $187 for the week

Must bring your own lunch – Snacks will be provided.
Sign up with Ms. Esquivel or Ms. Chavez.

Download a sign-up form.

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