SRCC General Membership Meeting Minutes – October 2017

Monday, October 2, 2017 7:15 PM
(formerly Grace UMC)

To be sure you get a vote, become a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.

1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion. If an acronym is stated during the meeting and you don’t know what it means, please feel free to raise your hand and ask.*
Presenter throughout: Gretchen Otto, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted. (10 min)

2. 7:25 Membership and voting. Pay multiple years in advance and get a discount. Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50 / Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95 NOTE: In order to vote or make motions, dues must be paid a month in advance, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote. (2 min)

3. 7:27 Approve minutes from September 4, 2017 monthly general meeting (available at (3 min)

Motion: MOTION: – Claudette Lowe/Kathleen Littlepage – to approve the minutes from the August General Membership meeting = PASSED 24 for, 0 against, 0 abstain

4. 7:30 Treasurer’s Report – see attachment to agenda distributed at the meeting; all reports are available upon request to the Treasurer.
Presenter: Nancy Byrd, Treasurer (5 min)

See notes below. Nancy is retiring after this year is over. (She has done it for 5 years.) We are looking another treasurer. Let Nancy or Gretchen know if you can take her place.

5. 7:35 Committee Chairs reports
1) Planning and Zoning–see below; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety (chair needed); 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications (chair needed); 9)Executive Committee; 10) CodeNEXT ad hoc committee
Representatives: 11) ANC*; 12) SCC*; 13) South Central Waterfront; 14) St. Edward’s (10 min)

Historic Preservation—Gretchen reported that we have gotten a grant of $5000 from the City and we have had $5000 from contributors. If anyone has expertise and interest in organizing a fundraising event, please contact Gretchen.

Public Safety—We are still looking for a chair for this committee, which helps with neighborhood watch.

Schools—Mary reported that Travis Heights Elementary is holding their Fall Festival on Oct. 27th. Gretchen reported that AISD has withdrawn the sale of the Blunn Creek Headwaters parcel. David Todd is pulling together ideas to how to use this land to protect it for the future.

Communications—We are still looking for a chair for this committee.

ANC—James Bilodeau reported that in the August meeting reported that the Convention Center is operating at a loss. A proposal was made to take some of the hotel tax for Historic Preservation. He also reported a brief summary of an ANC presentation regarding CodeNeXT. There was a ByLaws change that passed. Eloa reported that the South Central Coalition is digging in together about how CodeNeXT affects those neighborhoods. David reported unhappiness about parking in the neighborhood by Saint Edwards, as there is area for parking on the campus. He reports that enforcement is sporadic. There is also a gas pipeline being installed 100 feet away from houses, which seems dangerous.

6. 7:45 The second draft of CodeNEXT has been released. Community Not Commodity will share their insights about CodeNEXT 2.0, as well as current initiatives related to the Code
Presenter/Guest: Bobby Levinski,, Community Not Commodity (10 min)

Bobby Levinsky represented Community Not Commodity, a non-profit, which supports less demolition and supports families staying in place rather than gentrification. This organization believes that CodeNEXT 2 is not complete or fixed from the first draft. They would prefer that the draft be fixed before coming back with a draft for the community. He shared some of the changes that will affect current neighborhoods. (Example: With the new coding, Mcmansion ordinance will no longer exist. Parts of Travis Heights can have 2 or 3 dwellings per lot, depending upon location. Bars & Nightclubs can now be within 60 feet of residences and only requires administrative approval rather than planning commission approval. There are now 2 levels of Bars/Nightclubs. Level 1 has no outdoor seating and Level 2 does up until 2 am.) He asked for help with suggestions that support preservation of historic structures. Please email him your ideas/thoughts. For those who are strongly opposed to CodeNEXT, Bobby suggested that we contact Mayor Adler or Kathie Tovo. Gretchen reminded that there is a special meeting planned for Tuesday, Oct. 17th (here at Life in the City Methodist) with both Mayor Adler and Kathie Tovo. She encouraged everyone to write their questions on a notecard and come to the meeting.

7. 7:55 Update on SRCC CodeNEXT committee review of CodeNEXT 2.0 and its impact on SRCC. Mayor Adler will attend a specially called SRCC CodeNEXT meeting on Tuesday, October 17th. VOTE EXPECTED. Proposed language: The SRCC is to write a letter requesting that Council and City Staff slow down the CodeNEXT process in order to allow sufficient time for public review and comment, due to the large number of changes between the initial release of CodeNEXT and the second draft.
Presenter: Tom Fitzpatrick, CodeNEXT committee chair, or Gretchen (10 min)

Tom Fitzpatrick reported that Draft 2 came out in September and Public Comments are due by October 31st. He, Eloa, and Gretchen encouraged anyone involved to join the CodeNEXT committee for SRCC. After comments, staff will revise by November and be put forward for approval in January. Tom pointed out that there have been so many revisions and so many parts that are missing that it seems reasonable to ask for a postponement to allow time for citizen review and comment. He shared many details about impact of the revisions, one being that Neighborhood Plan overlays have been eliminated. Betty Weed asked that everyone in the SRCC be sent an email to inform them on how to make comments to provide feedback about CodeNEXT. Tom will also provide an article about CodeNEXT. Gretchen shared that the CodeNEXT committee will be meeting again to analyze the revisions, how they will impact our neighborhood, and give feedback.

Comments before vote on motion:
Mention in the letter that nothing was presented about what changes have been made, making the work of neighborhoods more onerous.
“More Time” seems to ambiguous. The discussion was to ask for a year and settled upon 6 months.

Motion: MOTION: –Tom Fitzpatrick/David Swann– for SRCC to write a letter requesting that the Council and City Staff slow down the CodeNEXT process, by a minimum of 6 months, in order to allow sufficient time for public review and comment due the large number of changes between the = PASSED 30 for, 0 against, 0 abstain

8. 8:05 Update on the current activities of the Flood Mitigation Task Force (FMTF).
Presenter: Elloa Mathews, SRCC Area 5 Co-coordinator and FMTF Member (10 min)

Elloa Mathews tied together tonight’s discussions regarding Blunn Creek Headwaters & CodeNext density concerns regarding watershed protection. The FMTF is requesting a map the 500 year floodplain. David Swann clarified that flooding from uphill development is different from flooding caused by the creek.

9. 8:15 Information about the Smart Trips Austin program, whose goal is to reduce single occupant vehicle trips and encourage walking, biking, taking buses and shared rides, in the Zilker, Bouldin, and Travis Heights neighborhoods.
Presenters/Guests: Jorge Dewey, & Myles Moore, (10 min + 5 min Q&A)

Jorge Dewey and Myles Moore reported that Smart Trips Austin has been running for 2 years and now is coming to the South Central Neighborhoods. Jorge shared that those who are interested will receive a personalized toolkit. In addition, some events will occur which will include an education aspect and tours to help support their goals. Myles distributed a safety pamphlet to all members present. Boundaries of the area being focused upon right now is between I-35 and Rabb Road and between the River & Oltorf. Go to to sign up for a personalized toolkit.

10. 8:30 Information on the “Music Lane” development on the east side of South Congress, north from Academy Dr to the Cityview at SoCo apartments. Discussion will include overall layout, parking and impact on Hotel Magdelena, and possible alcohol waiver.
Presenter/Guest: Clark Lyda, (10 min + 10 min Q&A)

Marc Davis reminded the members about the work between Music Lane and SRCC 3 years ago and introduced Clark Lyda to the group. Clark shared the locations being developed. The project referred to as Music Lane runs on South Congress between what used to be Doc’s and Twomey Autoworks. It will include an underground parking garage. The street level floors will be sold as retail and the upper levels will be mixed use (office). The site will be 2 and 3 stories high, except for the Twomey parcel, which will be 4 floors. Elevations of the buildings were shared in a slideshow. Due to changes as how the city interprets distance between retail that includes the sale of alcoholic beverages and schools (from walking distance to how the crow flies), restaurants in this development would be within the 300 feet of School for the Deaf and require an Alcoholic Beverage Waiver in order to sell alcohol. [NOTE/FYI: Previously, the COA development dept. had wrongly interpreted the statute to be that the distance measurement was the walking distance from the door of the alcohol sales location to the door of the school. Due to a variance request in another neighborhood, they requested a determination from COA legal who ruled that the COA had been using the wrong interpretation of how to measure. For the Music Lane establishment, they would not need a variance from the distance requirement if they continued to measure using the old, wrong way—door to door vs. as the crow flies. However, this determination was made several years ago.] Clark stated that he is currently and will continue to work with concerned neighborhoods with this issue. The retail that is being affected are to be restaurants that serve alcohol, not bars, and the hours will not be the same as bars. There is no such thing as a blanket waiver. Each time that a new tenant comes in they will need to reapply for the waiver. A representative from the School for the Deaf attended tonight and Clark shared that they have worked together to make sure there is agreement from the School. He also compared the way that typically retail development is financed by bringing in national retail with strong credit, to how this development has been financed, which has allowed him to “curate” the retail so as to maintain space for local Austin businesses and encourage those that will be used by neighbors as opposed to tourists. Clark answered questions and Marc encouraged that those concerned with the waiver email Russell Fraser.

● There will be an Executive Committee meeting on October 23rd.
● Lucky Robot fundraiser for SRCC: Oct. 8-14, 15% of profits, must mention SRCC
● Travis Heights Art Trail, November 4th & 5th
● The Love Austin Pools group is having a meeting on October 17th at the Dougherty Art Center in their community room at 7pm. Gretchen will keep us updated.
● Part of the neighborhood received CoA composting bins.
● VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need volunteers for several open, and soon to be open, positions
â—‹ TREASURER (2018)
â—‹ PRESIDENT (2018)
â—‹ neighborhood watch program organizer
â—‹ SRCC Newsletter Editor
● Austin Monitor discount: SRCC16 for 20% off subscription

Account reconciliation, Profit & Loss and Balance reports available upon request from or

*Frequently used acronyms: ACF: Austin Community Fund; ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council; SF: Single Family zoning category; FLUM: Future Land Use Map; GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team, NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District; SCC: South Central Coalition of NAs

Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine,
Agenda subject to change. Please check for most updated version.

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