MONDAY, February 20, 2017 6:30 PM
AMLI South Shore Club Room
1620 East Riverside Dr, AUSTIN, TEXAS
To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.
1. 6:30 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Gretchen Otto, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted.
2. 6:33 Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions.
Presenter: Carol Martin, Membership Chair
3. 6:35 Approve minutes from October 17, 2016 and January 23, 2017 Executive Meeting
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm in club room at AMLI South Shore (pending successful pilot).
Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: February 20, 2017 (nominations made); April 17, 2017 (likely date of first meeting for next terms, intros for new officers/EC)
MOTION: Claudette Lowe / Russell Fraser – to approve the minutes from the Oct 17th and Jan 23rd Executive Committee meetings = PASSED 9 for, 0 opposed, 1 abstain
4. 6:40 Report from the President: Saigebrook affordable housing update, History Hunt
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, President
Saigebrook Affordable Housing – Jeff Kessel looked over the restrictive covenant with the builder and determined that it does cover the property and they now fully understand what their obligations are. March 1st is the deadline for them to submit paperwork for financing. Both properties will need a zoning change so they will need to communicate with us throughout the process. There are still concerns that the Payload Pass project will result in a road being built through to Alpine. Our support for affordable housing in these areas does not stop us from resisting the necessary zoning changes to make the projects work.
History Hunt – This group is looking to highlight historic homes in Travis Heights as they have done in the past in Hyde Park and Clarksville. March 1st is a possible morning meeting date to discuss this event.
5. 6:50 Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning & Zoning- ?; 2) Transportation – Michael Sledge (Sunset Lane Closure), Public Safety- new volunteer STILL needed for Raymond Sinatra; 3) Parks- David Todd (Status of Blunn Creek tract proposal), Schools-Mary, Environment- Marty Christman; 4) Special Events – volunteer needed
Blunn Creek – AISD is still working on this and a meeting was had with Cindy Anderson; she was very helpful as we made our case to preserve the site. Feb 27th is the next board meeting where citizens can speak. Most likely the board will make their final decision at their March meeting.
6. 7:00 Update on Bylaws Committee–just a quick reminder of our plan for the year
Presenter: Gretchen Otto? Carol is out of town
The plan is still to share the major changes at the potluck and get some feedback before putting together the final proposal. Copies of the bylaws will be made available upon request versus printing and mailing out a copy to every household.
7. 7:05 Ad Hoc Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. 1) Norwood- Wolf Sittler; 2) Historic District- Michele Weber; 3) Finance- Sam Martin; 4) Rep to ANC Austin Nbhd Council- James Bilodeau AWOL/Rep to SCC – Elloa Mathews; 5) Communication- Tina Buck; 6) Rep to South Central Waterfront- Wendy Todd; 7) CodeNEXT – Russell Fraser–see below; 8) St. Ed’s – Elloa Mathews; 9) NPCT – Elloa Mathews–see below
Finance – An unofficial audit is in the works.
ANC – The ANC dinner was last night and the Mayor and most City Council members attended. The focus is primarily on CodeNEXT. The maps will be released in April but there is a rumor that the maps will be released this Wednesday.
St Edwards – The new architect is an ex-employee of CoA and at a recent meeting made suggestions that would all be funded by taxpayers versus by SEU. Since 2009 they started charging everyone to park on campus ($250 a semester) which has resulted in lots of parking in the neighborhood. SEU is not enforcing anything they promised they would.
8. 7:15 Nominations Committee for 2017 SRCC elections–candidate needed, at least for secretary
Presenter: Someone from Nom. Comm.: Carol, Nancy, Garret, Elloa?
Garret and Mary met to talk about the role of secretary and she is amenable to take on the responsibility.
9. 7:20 GIS capture of neighborhood character and CodeNEXT
Presenter/Guest: Omar Navarro, ACC,
Omar is a student at ACC working in the GIS program. He is interested is working with the SRCC to create some maps based on publicly available data (mostly census data) to help us better understand how the CodeNEXT changes will impact us. It was decided to identify ten data sets for Omar to work with and to meet with Russell and Elloa.
10. 7:40 EROC and support for NPCT (POSSIBLE VOTE)
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, President; Dan Fredine, Vice President; Elloa Mathews, GSRC NPCT
The City did an audit of neighborhood plan teams that resulted in those teams being criticized for their performance and transparency as well as how representative the NP was. They did a sting operation through email to determine much of this. It seems the requirements for the NPCT exceed the necessity of those meetings and that there is an effort to dissolve the NPCTs and NPs overall. Should we develop a set of general positions or policies? Possibly use the existing priorities identified in the NP as a starting point.
MOTION: Tina Buck / Michele Webre – to support the EROC and GSRCC NPCTs = PASSED 9 for, unanimous
11. 7:55 CodeNEXT update/plan
Presenter: Gretchen Otto/Russell Fraser
12. 8:05 Elections Potluck–still need volunteers
Presenter: Gretchen Otto
More volunteers please.
We still need volunteers for the following open positions: Public Safety Co-Chair (in charge of neighborhood watch program), Special Events Chair (in charge of planning Annual Potluck and July Fourth Picnic), Newsletter Editor (in charge of making newsletter happen)