SRCC General Membership Meeting Minutes – 2/6/2017

Monday, February 6, 2017 7:15 PM
(formerly Grace UMC)

To be sure you get a vote, become a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.

1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion. If an acronym is stated during the meeting and you don’t know what it means, please feel free to raise your hand and ask.*
Presenter throughout: Gretchen Otto, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted.

2. 7:25 Membership and voting. Pay multiple years in advance and get a discount. Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50 / Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95 NOTE: In order to vote, dues must be paid a month in advance, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote.

3. 7:27 Approve minutes from December 5, 2016 monthly general meetings (available at

MOTION: – Jean Mather / Claudette Lowe – to approve the minutes from the December General Membership meeting = PASSED 22 for, 0 against, 0 abstain

4. 7:30 Treasurer’s Report – see attachment to agenda distributed at the meeting; all reports are available upon
request to the Treasurer. Presenter: Sam Martin, Finance Committee Chair
Details of the report can be obtained by emailing

5. 7:35 Committee Chairs reports
1) Parks, Schools, Environment–see items below; 2) Planning & Zoning–Luby’s; 3) Transportation & Public Safety; 4) Norwood; 5) Historic District; 6) Finance; 7) ANC*; 8) Communications; 9) CodeNEXT–see item below; 10) Executive Committee; 11)Travis Park
Planning & Zoning – The property formerly known as Luby’s has requested a zoning change to allow for a drive through and it is moving through the process without much resistance.
Austin Neighborhoods Council – The major topic at ANC continues to be the CodeNEXT process but more recently there were elections for the ANC positions.
Executive Committee – The EC met and voted to increase the financial forecast of expenses for our General Membership meetings from $750 to $975 with the new total forecast being $5,720.
Travis Park – There are issues popping up at the Travis Park housing project that need to be addressed and any volunteer effort is appreciated. The living conditions at this complex have degraded.

6. 7:40 Ad-hoc committee for AISD parcel: update on bid process/proposal to adopt future park.
Presenter: David Todd, SRCC Parks Chair,
This is the property that makes up the headwaters of Blunn Creek and we have been working with the City to try to preserve it as a park rather than let it be developed commercially. The City has an interest in the property and is in the running for the bidding process but the final decision will not take place for another month. A mix of non profits have joined in the effort to preserve the land. You can directly email all Trustees to voice your opinion on this potentially new park by using the dropdown menu on the form on this page – Your message should be unique but some main points to touch on are the value as a park in an underserved area that will grow residentially, the value as the headwaters to Blunn Creek and the impact it has on stormwater control along the entire creek where the City has invested much money to stabilize the banks, the value to wildlife in an increasingly developed area, and the value as an educational tool for students to learn about natural springs and ecosystems.

7. 7:45 Saigebrook proposed affordable housing developments; POSSIBLE VOTE. For more information:
Presenter: Megan Lasch, Pinnacle Housing Group, 830.330.0762,
This development firm has been in Austin for twenty years developing many affordable properties and have not sold any of them despite having that option after fifteen years of ownership. Each community includes Art in Public Places installations. Each development is built using Green Development Practices and has onsite management plus a maintenance staff member. They have two projects on tap but only one will be built due to limited resources. The first is on Payload Pass near the Wal-Mart and the second would be at the intersection of I35 and Woodland across from the current construction site. 5-10% of the units will be market rate with the majority being low income and affordable. Each development would be a four or five story building. Both locations would involve two buildings with the parking mostly underneath. March 1st is the deadline for their funding submission and then another year before either property would break ground. They are looking for our support but it is not required. Concern was voiced for Wal-Mart property about maintaining the restrictive covenant and water quality structures already in place. The Woodland location was questioned as far as the potential impact traffic would have and a member voiced concern over the negative impact affordable housing has on property values.

MOTION: Thano Has0itis / Heidi Schrab – to not support either affordable housing project = 7 for, 23 against, 5 abstain NOT PASSED
Amendment – to break the properties apart into two motions – rejected
Amendment – to make the verbiage such that support is contingent on future information – rejected

MOTION: Eliza Platts-Mills / Maile Molin – to support the project on Woodland = PASSED 20 for, 9 against, 7 abstain
Amendment – Carol Martin: contingent on the developer working with the neighbor association to address specific concerns (water quality, trees, traffic) = accepted

MOTION: Claudette Lowe / Lloyd Saldanah – to support the project on Payload Pass contingent on the developer working with the neighbor association to address specific concerns (water quality, trees, traffic) = PASSED 15 for, 8 against, 13 abstain

8. 8:00 Update on Little Stacy Park project
Presenter: Brendan Wittstruck – Senior Associate Designer, asakura robinson, 512.351.9601,
We had an update on the improvements to Little Stacy Park. A permit should be issued in the next month with the playground being the first phase and completed before the end of the school year. The remainder of the work will be late fall to early winter with a late spring completion. The budget is approximately $700,000 with an estimated cost of $615,000. One possible addition would be to put all the wiring under the new sidewalk and update the lighting, this would cost $135,000 so they want to know if we would like to pursue that. The primary goal of the lighting would be to illuminate the path versus the entire park area. There was concern about the future of the Home Depot sign.

9. 8:10 THES Fundraiser in February
Presenter: Oliver Bernstein – THES Parent,
Oliver is a current resident and parent of a THES student. The “I

10. 8:15 Resources for Tenants and Landlords
Presenter: Daniel Armendariz – Housing Advocate, Austin Tenants’ Council, 512-474-7006, Ext. 102,
This is a non profit around since the 70’s that works to provide non-legal legal advice on the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords as governed by TX law. Another part of their effort goes towards discrimination. Many of the lower income residents don’t have money for legal advice so this service fills that void. One example he gave was that if your lease states it and you are a day late or a dollar short on rent you can be served an eviction notice and it goes on your credit report for seven years regardless of the outcome.

11. 8:25 Bylaws Committee Update–summary of specific revisions to be proposed
Presenter: Carol Martin, SRCC Bylaws Comm. Chair,
The Bylaws Committee has been reviewing our documents to update them and this effort has been a year in the making. They are at the point where they are ready to notify the membership of the general proposed changes . The schedule for notification, discussion, and vote is below:
March Annual meeting – committee will make available the latest outline of amendments and explain the process for distribution of proposed revision as well as the requirements to be met in order to approve amendments.
March and April – during these months members may review the current bylaws and outlined amendments posted to the website. The committee will take feedback from members and continue making revisions. Discussion of specific bylaws will not be agenda items for March and April meetings.
May General Membership meeting – the full DRAFT of proposed revisions will be posted to website, distributed and discussed at this meeting. This is the key meeting for group discussion of the bylaws revisions.
May – July – during these months the committee will continue to make revisions based on feedback
August – during this month the FINAL complete document containing the proposed revisions will be posted to website. Notification to the membership about bylaws amendments will be included in the summer newsletter and posted online. Notification will explain the process for voting on amendments, the timeline and how to access a copy of the revisions. Members will have the option to request a printed copy. Discussion of bylaws will not be an agenda item at the August General Membership meeting.
September General Membership meeting – membership will VOTE on final revisions that were distributed in August.

12. 8:40 CodeNEXT Draft Code Release
Presenter: Russell Fraser, SRCC Area 2 Co-Coordinator,
Pamphlets were handed out and the City released a 1,300 page draft text online. February 26th, from 1-3pm there is a public meeting. The new zoning maps will be out in April. The mapping tool will determine which zone we will be in. Every property owner in Austin will get a notice.

13. 8:50 Update on upcoming officer elections and ad-hoc nominating committee
Presenter: Gretchen Otto
The annual Potluck Election meeting is on Tuesday, March 7th! Garret is vacating his position as Secretary in order to move to Zilker so if you would like to be the Secretary, now is your chance! It’s easy. You can buy me a beer and I’ll tell you all about it.

Annual Potluck and Elections on Tuesday, March 7. Potluck at 6pm. Elections immediately following at 7:15pm.
There will be an Executive Committee meeting on February 20.
SRCC Election reminder too: now taking nominations for officers for next election. Prefer to have nominations ASAP!
Newsletter is being crafted now. Alert Gretchen immediately if you have an article to include. Newsletter to be distributed in late February ahead of SRCC elections.
Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team is seeking new members. Visit this page for more information:
Contact Terry Franz if interested:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need volunteers for several open positions
neighborhood watch program organizer
SRCC Special Events Chair to organize the July 4 picnic and annual potluck
SRCC Newsletter Editor
more folks interested in helping on SRCC transportation committee
Austin Monitor discount: SRCC16 for 20% off subscription

Account reconciliation, Profit & Loss and Balance reports available upon request from or

*Frequently used acronyms: ACF: Austin Community Fund; ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council; SF: Single Family zoning category; FLUM: Future Land Use Map; GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team, NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District.

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