Austin Parks and Recreation Department Wants Community’s Input


The Austin Parks and Recreation Department is asking for the community’s input in planning future park development by completing a short park user survey. Individual specific park survey results will be collected from May 20th – July 6th, 2015. This short 7 question survey asks park users what they use in the park and what amenities they want to see in the park in the future.

Signs will be posted in select parks with a QR code (a barcode used to store a URL) and the URL will link to an online survey that park users can quickly complete on their smart phone or tablet while sitting on the bench in the park. This short survey is one of several opportunities that park users will have to give their input.

Over the next year and half the Parks and Recreation Department will be collecting data to update the Long Range Plan for Land, Facilities and Programs (LRP). This plan is developed by the Parks and Recreation Department staff using demographic information, surveys, trends and standards for parks and in collaboration with multiple neighborhood representatives, non-profit organizations, public entities, and interested citizens on the future of the park system. Information will be collected from May of 2015 throughout 2016.

The LRP is a guide for future growth and development of Austin’s parks and recreation system and is an update to the 2010 Long Range Plan for Land, Facilities and Programs.  The plan will not be able to list all of the many projects being implemented as part of the Department’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and its operating budget, but this plan will address the larger vision and projects that we will focus on in the future.

Parks and Recreation Long Range Plan for Land, Facilities and Programs

How to Read QR Codes with a Smartphone:


They have the survey signs at Big Stacy and Little Stacy Parks, but not Heritage Oaks Parks. Park users should be able to find the signs with the survey information at an obvious point within each park (entryway at parking lot, playscape, etc.). You can choose to use any QR code reader, or you can manually type in the survey link beneath the QR code on the sign.

There is also a short 5 minute strategic planning survey from PARD that is more general if anyone is interested in giving additional feedback.

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