Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 7:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
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SRCC: See the future. Shape the future.

To vote or make motions, please become a member. Join or renew online: Not sure if your membership is current? Email: and we’ll let you know. We welcome members and non-members to join our meetings. Please register 24 hours in advance so we can confirm your membership status.
1. 7:00 Welcome Members and Guests
Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion.
Presenter throughout unless otherwise noted: Wendy Price Todd, SRCC President (5 min)
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01.
2. 7:05 Membership Report
Please send us information, stories, and photos for social media!
Membership fees: single: 1/2/3-year: $20/$35/$50; family: $35/$65/$95
Presenter: Mary Janecek-Friedman, SRCC Membership Secretary (5 min)
It was requested that people register for the meeting a few days prior to the meeting, to allow the membership secretary to confirm membership prior to the meeting.
3. 7:10 Treasurer’s Report
All reports available upon request:
Presenter: Will Andrews, SRCC Treasurer (5 min)
The treasurer’s report was shared. Year to date income was mostly dues, expenses for accounting software and ANC. SRCC is net cash positive for the year. There are also funds held in the Austin Parks Foundation Fund Balance.
4. 7:15 Reports from Standing Committee Chairs
1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; and 8) Communications (10 min)
- Planning and Zoning. Nothing new to report; see later agenda item.
- Historic Preservation. Preservation Austin’s Historic Homes Tour is this coming weekend. 1611 Drake’s new construction (demolished prior to 2022) has been postponed another month due to neighbor opposition. New construction at 503 Terrace was approved…no demolition, but new construction will be built in front of the small original home, effectively changing the streetscape.
- Finance. There are a lot of people that have not paid dues – please check your status and keep your membership active. The membership chair sends dues reminders.
- Mobility. See later item.
- Public Safety. Had a presentation about Vision Zero at the last EC meeting, though there continues to be roadway fatalities nearby. Looking for assistance with neighborhood watch patrol.
- Parks and Environment. May 2nd is a meeting with Matt McCaw to talk about long term planning about Blunn Creek Nature Preserve. Meeting at 900 St Ed’s Drive at 9am on May 2nd. The Blunn Creek Nature Preserve will be hosting a volunteer day at 8:30am on May 6th to pull invasives.
- Schools. There was some recent discussion about truancy on the listserve.
- Communications. The schedule for the newsletter has slipped, and it will now include the results of the SRCC election. It will likely come out in early May.
5. 7:25 Reports from Area Coordinators and Representatives
9) GSRC NPCT; 10) EROC NPCT; 11) ANC; 12) SCC; 13) South Central Waterfront; 14) St. Edward’s; and 15) S. Central Affordable CDC (10 min)
9) GSRC NPCT. Nothing to report
10) EROC NPCT. Nothing to report
11) ANC. Nothing to report
12) SCC. Nothing to report
13) South Central Waterfront. There was an input session for park prioritization for the 305 S Congress; the results have been compiled but not yet shared.
14) St. Edward’s. Nothing to report
15) S. Central Affordable CDC. Nothing to report
6. 7:35 Approve Minutes
Meeting minutes available at:
Presenter: Dan Fredine, SRCC Secretary (5 min)
Motion by Carol Martin/Will Andrews to approve Feb 21st General Membership minutes. There were no comments, changes, additions and the minutes were approved as posted.
Upcoming Meetings: GM May 16, Jun 20, Aug 15, Sept 19, Oct 17, Nov 21
EC May 2, Jun 6, Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3, Dec 5
7. 7:40 ETOD Presentation
Please read the following in preparation for a discussion about ETOD in Austin:
- A presentation from the ETOD team to the Housing and Mobility Committees of Council from March 2
- A memo from the director of the Housing Department, Rosie Truelove, at the March 7 City Council Work Session
Presenters: Lucy Hall, Shanisha Johnson from the City of Austin (10 min)
Lucy is with the ETOD team at the City planning department, senior planner. Shanisha is a senior planner on the ETOD team at the City planning department.
The presentation was shared and reviewed; it is available
There will be several rail lines at the final buildout of Project Connect. The ETOD plan is a long range planning framework to guide development along the corridors, and to support those who have historically been underserved.
The list of project goals were shared, along with the outline of the project plan and a map showing SRCC and the intersections and overlaps with the station locations and transit zones. The typologies do not represent any changes to land use; any changes will need to go through the regular process.
An implementation plan update will be developed by May 26, 2023 and the full implementation plan by September 12th. There are some additional entitlements expected for the areas near transit centers; there will be engagement events to gather public input.
8. 7:50 Planning and Zoning
- Penn Field 3601 South Congress (proposal to support rezoning)
Presenter: Sarah Campbell, SRCC Planning and Zoning Chair (10 min) [VOTE]
Penn Field is on South Congress. This is a 12 acre lot, where 3 acres are zoned differently from the 9 other acres. The conditions for supporting the rezoning were developed by the SRCC P&Z committee. This is a zoning change only. The future land use map has the tract as Mixed Use, so no amendment to it will be needed. The proposed zoning is CS-MU-V-NP. The applicant currently owns all 12 acres.
Motion (Planning & Zoning): Approve City of Austin Case No. C14-2022-0155, the requested rezoning of a 3.022-acre piece of the property located at 3601 S. Congress Avenue, known informally as Penn Field, to CS-MU-V-NP in order to be the same as the remaining 9.5 acres, with the following conditions:
1. That all of Penn Field be reviewed by the Landmark Commission prior to any demolition or new construction; and
2. With any new significant construction, provide any exit onto Willow Springs Road as right-turn only; and
3 Prior to any new construction, existing rainwater detention facilities be reviewed as heavy rains currently flood sections of Braeswood; and
4. That the following CS permitted uses be disallowed:
Auto Repair Services
Auto Sales
Convenience Storage
Drop Off Recycling Collection Facility
For 25, Against 0, Abstain 2; motion passes.
9. 8:00 Mobility
Updates regarding:
- SoCo Parking Transportation Management District
- I-35
- Project Connect
- Vision Zero
Presenters: Mark Thompson, SRCC Mobility Chair and Yorgos Economos (10 min)
PTMD: This is underway, Council gave approval. Survey is ongoing; there are about 150 responses from residents = please respond and share details. The proposed: Each place will get 2 permits and 2 guest passes. Employees will be $35/month. Residents are $25 annual per household.
I-35: highway expansion remains on track, up to 22 lanes wide. There is a SPUI rendering for Riverside. CAMPO members are voting on funding for the next year’s transportation plan, including whether to fund the I-35 expansion on Thursday. You can reach out to the members by Thursday to provide feedback.
Vision Zero: Jay Crossley was in a recent EC meeting promoting Vision Zero and the bills passed. The SRCC EC voted to support the bills since there wasn’t time to take a GM vote.
10. 8:10 Candidate Election
Slate for the April Officer and Area Coordinator election:
President: Noah Balch
Vice President: Vacant
Co-Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Will Andrews
Secretary: Chris Phillips-Frishman
Membership Secretary: Mary Friedman
Austin Neighborhoods Council Representative: Betty Weed
South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Representative: Sherri Ancipink
Area Coordinator – Area 1: Chris Phillips-Frishman
Area Coordinator – Area 2: Russell Fraser
Area Coordinator – Area 3a: Jo Webber
Area Coordinator – Area 3b: Brooks Kasson
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 4a: Sam Martin
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 4a: Carol Martin
Area Coordinator – Area 4b: Sarah Campbell
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 5: Neal Nuwash
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 5: Jon David Swann
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 6: Rachel McClure
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 6: Laura Gass Weaver
Area Coordinator – Area 7: Vacant
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 8: Kim Lanzillotti
Area Co-Coordinator – Area 8: Vicky Moerbe
Presenter: Dan Fredine, SRCC Secretary (15 min) [VOTE]
The nominating committee shared the slate that was endorsed.
The floor was opened to nominations. Taylor Coppock volunteered for Area 7 Area Coordinator. Ken Burnett volunteered for Co-Vice President. He will help out with handling incoming notices, which Sarah Campbell has been performing. Brooks Kasson has vacated the Area 3b Coordinator position so that position is currently vacant.
For 35, Against 0, Abstain 0; slate is elected.
Community, Volunteering, and Social Activities
We expect to have some in-person meetings upcoming, hopefully in June.
There is an election coming up May 5th, early voting begins April 24th. The only items on the ballot are Prop A and Prop B dealing with oversight of the police department.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at:
If you have questions about using the Neighborhood ListServ:
The next Executive Committee meeting is May 2, 2023.
The next General Membership meeting is May 16, 2023.
Frequently used acronyms:
ACF: Austin Community Fund
ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council
BoA: Board of Adjustment
CDC: Community Development Corporation
EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team
FLUM: Future Land Use Map
GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District
NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
PC: Planning Commission
PUD: Planned Unit Development
SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations
SF: Single Family zoning category
ZAP: Zoning and Platting
Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch, Agenda subject to change. Please check for most recent version.