Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 7:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
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SRCC: See the future. Shape the future.
To vote, become a member. You can join or renew online at Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know. We welcome members and non-members to join our meetings. Please register 24 hours in advance so we can confirm your membership status.
1. 7:00 General Membership Meeting Welcome
Meeting procedures, Zoom tools, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion. Please see acronyms below.
Presenter throughout unless otherwise noted: Wendy Todd, SRCC President (5 min)
2. 7:05 Membership Report
Please send us information, stories, and photos for social media!
Membership fees, single: 1/2/3 year: $20/$35/$50; family: $35/$65/$95
To vote or make motions, membership must be current:
Presenter: Mary Janecek-Friedman, SRCC Membership Secretary (5 min)
3. 7:10 Treasurer’s Report
All reports available upon request to the Treasurer:
Presenter: Will Andrews, SRCC Treasurer (5 min)
4. 7:15 Reports from Standing Committee Chairs
1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility (Parking Transportation Management District, Project Connect, and I-35 updates); 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications (10 min)
5. 7:25 Reports from Area Coordinators and Representatives
9) Norwood; 10) GSRC NPCT; 11) EROC NPCT; 12) ANC; 13) SCC; 14) South Central Waterfront; 15) St. Edward’s; 16) S. Central Affordable CDC; 17) Land Development Code Ad Hoc committee (10 min)
6. 7:35 Approve Minutes
August 2022 monthly general meeting minutes (available at
Presenter: Dan Fredine, SRCC Secretary (5 min)
Upcoming Meeting dates: GM Nov 15; EC Dec 6
7. 7:40 Planning and Zoning Cases
Updates regarding:
- 406-428 Alpine – Applicant proposes changing zoning from GO-CO-NP to GO-MU-CO-NP, which will allow for housing density up to 36 units/acre. The site includes the VFW Hall and a greenfield at the headwaters of Blunn Creek. [VOTE POSSIBLE]
- 311-335 South Congress – Applicant proposes 400’ tall PUD with 350 dwelling units.
Presenter: Sarah Campbell, SRCC Planning and Zoning Chair (10 min)
8. 7:50 South Central Waterfront
City Council met Oct. 13, big issues include parkland and affordable housing. Endeavor proposes affordable housing at 422 W. Riverside, 70 units at 80% MFI instead of 55 at SCW; 5% of units rather than 4% but less than 10% in PUD ordinance passed on first reading, or 20% target in Waterfront Vision Plan – studio $1,368, 2-bedroom $1,952, family four making $78,000 per year. Chito Vela, Pio Renteria, Mayor Steve Adler likely on board; Kathie Tovo, Alison Alter, Leslie Pool likely opposed; and is proposed parkland in the Critical Water Quality Zone, and hence “unbuildable”?
Presenter: Sherri Ancipink, SCW Representative (10 min)
9. 8:00 St. Edwards Homecoming
From St. Ed’s:
“Hello, neighbors of St. Edward’s University! We are excited to invite you to cheer on our Annual Homecoming Parade happening on Saturday October 29th at 10am. Park in the garage on the east side of campus and process toward Tailgating in the center of campus. There will be helpful folks to guide you through to the watching areas. We hope to see you there!”
Presenter: Noah Balch, SRCC Vice President (5 min)
Sunday, October 30, 10am, Little Stacy Playground, KaBOOM 20th Celebrations
Saturday, November 5, 8:30am, Blunn Creek Preserve, St. Edward’s Drive, It’s My Park Day – Blunn Creek Nature
To participate in the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH program, please contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at:
If you have questions about using the Neighborhood ListServ:
The next General Membership meeting is November 15, 2022.
The next SRCC Executive Committee meeting is December 6, 2022.
Frequently used acronyms:
ACF: Austin Community Fund
ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council
BoA: Board of Adjustment
CDC: Community Development Corporation
EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team
FLUM: Future Land Use Map
GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District
NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
PC: Planning Commission
PUD: Planned Unit Development
SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations
SF: Single Family zoning category
ZAP: Zoning and Platting
Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch, Agenda subject to change. Please check for most recent version.