TUESDAY, March 2, 2021 7:00 PM
Zoom Teleconference

To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.
Megan called the meeting to order at 7:07
1. 7:00 Meeting procedures, Zoom tools, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Megan Spencer, SRCC Vice President, unless otherwise noted.
2. 7:10 Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. (2 min)
There were some new neighbors in attendance, and there was discussion about joining SRCC and voting requirements for the EC. Fred DeWorken talked about stepping into the Area 7 coordinator position whenRichard Whymarkvacates it.
3. 7:12 Approve minutes from February 2021 Executive Committee Meeting
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month; 7:00pm – 8:30pm, Location: teleconference during 2020 (eventually will return to Good Shepherd on the Hill).
Remaining meeting dates in 2021: EC Apr 6; GM Apr 20; EC May 4; GM May 18; EC Jun 1 (tentative); GM Jun 15; EC Aug 3 (tentative); GM Aug 17; EC Sept 7 (tentative); GM Sept 21; EC Oct 5 (tentative); GM Oct 19; GM Nov 16; EC Dec 7. (3 min)
No comments or corrections noted – minutes were approved as posted.
4. 7:15 Standing Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues.
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning and Zoning 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications (15 min)
1) Planning and Zoning – There was some discussion about the proposed multifamily development by Foundation Communities at 2105 Parker Ln. A couple neighbors near that property spoke about the project, saying that they are not in opposition to the mission of Foundation Communities. The concern is that the zoning change would allow up to 350 units, and there is no guarantee that if the variance is awarded that the project would go to Foundation Communities. A neighbor is gathering signatures for a valid petition. It was stated that a goal of the EROC NPCT was to encourage ownership opportunities due to the large concentration of multifamily housing in the EROC area. Neighbors are planning on talking about this at the upcoming City-hosted Community Meeting on March 8th. There was some discussion about the pro-development nature of Council and the City right now; they will likely allow development on the site, and it may be that a development by Foundation Communities is the best option for the neighborhood.
2) Historic Preservation – the HLC meeting was cancelled. One property of interest is the former Montessori school; there is discussion that a developer may buy it and preserve it, though they want to get the demo permit just in case they change their mind.
3) Finance – last week the committee gave a presentation to the officers, reviewing the process by which dues are collected, accounted for, budgeted, and spent. The committee will perform the annual financial review in the next couple weeks and will have a report for the next GM meeting.
4) Mobility – nothing to report
5) Public Safety – nothing to report. It was noted that there is some discussion on NextDoor about crime in the neighborhood.
6) Parks and Environment – a neighbor spoke about Harper’s Branch Creek Greenbelt. Neighbors have met with PARD and Austin Parks Foundation, to discuss what adopt-a-park might look like. There will be site visits after COVID, to look at erosion control.
There was discussion about Heritage Oaks Park and the possibility of getting a playscape – if there’s anyone that knows how to do this, please contact Richard Whymark. It was suggested that this could be a negotiating position with Foundation Communities or the City related to the requested upzoning at 2105 Parker Ln.
Local artist Ethan Azarian has been given a grant/opportunity to paint a wall by the City, and it was suggested that he might be able to paint on a retaining wall at Heritage Oaks.
7) Schools – THES and Lively MS made it through the winter storm with minimal damage. Several of the families need supplies and support, and are taking collections.
8) Communications – nothing to report.
5. 7:30 Check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. Norwood; NPCT; ANC* (10 min); SCC*; South Central Waterfront; St. Edward’s; S. Central Affordable CDC; Ad-hoc Land Development Code Revision; Ad-hoc Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (20 min)
Norwood – nothing to report
NPCT – nothing to report
ANC* – a couple of resolutions have been brought up, to be voted on at the next ANC meeting. There was discussion on the proposals for the May ballot.
- Strong Mayor charter amendment (Prop F) – it seems like this would do away with the City Manager, departments would answer to the Mayor, and Council Members would become less relevant (could be overruled unless a Council supermajority). ANC is opposed to this proposition. See ANC position letter here.
- Prop H would provide monetary vouchers for voters at each election to be spent on mayor and council candidates.
- Waiving the interpretation fee at the Board of Adjustment. Currently when the City allows an illegal permit, if a citizen has to go before the BoA to argue against it, they have to pay a lot of money just to speak before the board and argue their case. See ANC position letter here.
It was stated that since the SRCC General Membership hasn’t taken a vote on these items, it would be appropriate for the SRCC ANC Rep to abstain from the vote.
SCC* – nothing to report
South Central Waterfront – The City has approved an economic development corporation, with many different representatives (other than labor), one of the projects will be SCW. The City asked that SRCC send a letter stating that Tom Groce will be the new SRCC rep for South Central Waterfront Advisory Board.
St. Edward’s – nothing to report
S. Central Affordable CDC – nothing to report
Ad-hoc Land Development Code Revision – nothing to report
Ad-hoc Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – nothing new to report, evaluating resources.
5. 7:50 Heritage Oaks Park & a PARD Community Partnership: What’s Involved? Information regarding what this commitment involves and how it is established and implemented will be provided.
Presenter: Carol Martin, Area Coordinator (10 min)
About 6 years ago SRCC wanted to spend some funds from a community non-profit organization for a parks project. The SRCC Finance Committee evaluated the proposals, which included adding a bench at Heritage Oaks. It was learned that this required a bigger project, that included getting a grant. Should SRCC pursue a partnership to get a playscape at Heritage Oaks, we need to find out what the requirements are for SRCC’s contribution. As a community partner, the organization is expected to contribute financially, provide volunteer hours, and administratively coordinate the efforts. It was suggested that someone (or a team) put together a proposal to be submitted to the SRCC Finance Committee. The idea is that we want to have the resources lined up prior to coordinating with the City.
6. 8:00 Letter in Support of Moratorium on Residential Zoning Amendments and Variances During the Pandemic. The SRCC would send to the City of Austin a letter in agreement with and in support of a resolution by the Dawson Neighborhood Association (DNA). See proposed SRCC letter here. See DNA resolution here. Presenter: Betty Weed, ANC Representative (10 min)
This item was originally included on the February SRCC GM agenda, but that meeting was postponed due to the winter storm. The concern is that citizen input is currently very difficult to provide during City meetings, based on the way that public meetings are being conducted.
Motion by Betty Weed, seconded by Jo Webber & Carol Martin – Request that the City of austin refrain from zoning amendments until COVID-related restrictions on in-person meetings. Approve: 16, Oppose: 0, Abstain: 1; PASSED
7. 8:00 Discussion of items to be added to the April 20, 2021 General Membership meeting regarding the City of Austin ballot in May. Presenter: Betty Weed (10 min)
See discussion above in ANC portion of REPORTS OF AD HOC COMMITTEES and REPRESENTATIVES.
SRCC currently has the following volunteer positions open:
-Outreach Committee Members/Chair
-SRCC President
A member previously asked about the transition from the Yahoo ListServ to The SRCC Neighborhood Association does not control the listserve, but it can be joined by:
â— Going to
â— Scroll down and click the blue button that says “+ Apply For Membership In This Groupâ€
â— Provide your email address and follow the instructions.
The next SRCC Executive Committee meeting is April 6, 2021.
The next General Membership meeting is Tuesday, April 20, 2021.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45
Agenda Prepared by Megan Spencer,