Monday, February 3, 2020 7:00 PM

To be sure you get a vote, become a member. You can join or renew online www.srccatx.org. Not sure if you are current? Email membership@srccatx.org and we’ll let you know.
1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion. If an acronym is stated during the meeting and you don’t know what it means, please feel free to raise your hand and ask.*
Presenter throughout: Eric Cassady, SRCC President, president@srccatx.org, unless otherwise noted.
2. 7:23 Membership and voting. Pay multiple years in advance and get a discount. Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50 / Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95 NOTE: In order to vote or make motions, dues must be paid a month in advance, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote.
3. 7:25 Treasurer’s Report – All reports available upon request to the Treasurer treasurer@srccatx.org
Presenter: Oliver Caruso (Treasurer)
4. 7:30 Committee Chairs reports
- Planning and Zoning–see items below.
- Historic Preservation—nothing to report.
- Finance—nothing to report
- Mobility— Chair of Mobility: parking meters on Congress proposed, meters cost $10,000 + manager. Chair has a questionnaire for members to fill out; she passed them out, need to return by 2/12; A neighbor pointed out that the NA does not represent the Merchant’s Association. They hired consultants, we are not tasked with providing solutions. The chair proposed we wait until they finish report. She saw early report and asked consultants if she can get buy-in to recommendations and pass them on to consultants. A neighbor feels we do not have a role in this until after the consultants report is provided. The chair disagrees and wants opinions of neighbors. The president shared that the discussion was going past allotted time and suggested we continue with the agenda. The chair agreed to share the preliminary report on the SRCC website. Next mobility committee meeting will be on Feb. 13th. All are invited. Email mobility@srccatx.org to get details about location and time.
- Public Safety— Need more volunteers for crime watch
- Parks and Environment— Chair of Parks and Environment shared that the pavement has been removed from Sunset Lane along Little Stacy Park to create hike path. March 7th is “It’s My Park Day†at Blunn *Creek Nature Preserve*. Volunteers are welcome to meet at 900 St. Edwards Drive at 8:30 am. A neighbor also shared information and pictures of the improvements made *to the path circling the pond* at Heritage Oaks Park. The chair of Schools shared that help could also be used along Blunn Creek near the elementary school, as a lot of refuse is there and children frequently run down to the creek. Campus beautification at the elementary school is also on March 7th. To find out details, consult the school website: http://www.travisheightselementary.com
- Schools–The chair asked for volunteers for the spring beautification day (see notes above). The annual “I ♥︎ THES†Fundraiser going on, 10th-14th. Donate online at https://www.travisheightselementary.com/donate/. On Feb 10th Home Slice Pizza will donate 20% of profits, Goal to raise $30,000. Other upcoming events: Feb 29th Campus Beautification and on the same dray a Thrift sale. You can donate household items and clothing to for the Thrift Store by dropping them off at the school the day before on Friday the 28th. The Chair of communication shared that she had been contacted by the Travis HS marching band. They have offered to have their band play at neighborhood events. They would like to develop more of a relationship with the neighborhood.
- Communications—Nothing to report.
- Executive Committee–See item below.
- Land Development Code Rewrite ad hoc committee— The chair of the committee asked for feedback on the meeting with mayor. Dates to speak to council: Feb 4th, Feb. 11th, Feb 12th, and Feb 13th; Nicole Golden (from Tovo office) said it is important to attend meetings. She suggested language that was open and positive: Say that you want to be part of the process, want to be representative, “we want to work with you†message is best; The chair also shared that you can protest at fileyourprotest.com/ A neighbor asked that Tovo’s office provide talking points.
SRCC Representatives:
- ANC*–Nothing to report.
- SCC*–Nothing to report
- South Central Waterfront (SCW) —SRCC Representative reported no new information about the status for 305 S. Congress (Statesman) PUD application. SCW Advisory Board has seen a spreadsheet outlining and tracking community benefits for the 425 Riverside (Snoopy) PUD. The City Economic Development Department has contracted with a consultant to study a city-wide development corporation entity.
- St. Edward’s—Nothing to report.
- S. Central Affordable CDC—Nothing to report.
5. 7:50 Approve minutes from the December 2, 2019 monthly general meeting (available at www.srccatx.org)
MOTION: Oliver Caruso/Vickie Moerbe To approve the minutes from the December 2, 2019 monthly general membership meeting. Supporting: 34, Opposing: 0, Abstaining: 0. PASSED
6. 7:55 The finance committee has a proposed 2020 financial forecast. At the January Executive Committee meeting, the EC voted to approve the forecast.
Presenter: Oliver Caruso, SRCC Treasurer, treasurer@srccatx.org
Presented forecast based on what previous years were. Higher expenses: donations to 3 schools, the donation to Lively MS was carried from last year to this year; New meeting signs; A neighbor proposed not printing newsletter; Another member will look into direct mail; A member on the communications team feels we need the newsletter. Another member says she gets questions if we are on Next Door;
7. 8:05 Waterloo School (located at Church on Congress at 1511 S. Congress Ave.) has asked to present the highlights of their school mission and program. They will also share details of the Conditional Use permit application, importantly addressing parking, traffic, and other issues. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Link to satellite image of the property.
Presenters/Guests: Craig Doerksen, Founder and Director, Waterloo School, cdoerksen@waterlooaustin.org, 512-810-9881; Vincent Huebinger, Land Use Consultant, VinceH@vincentgerard.com
Introductions made by chair of P&Z. Mr. Doerksen explained mission of the school: Help kids grow up to be contributing members of society. Students only take 2 classes at a time. The school is Christian, centered in Austin. Students use public library and use public transportation. Capacity is 120- 150 (current 35) grades 9-12, 501C3. They are ssking city for conditional use permit to use parking. The P&Z committee voted to support. For parking, the school has 84 spaces, need 85, so only one would be needed on street. A neighbor said we need to see site plan and asked for more examination . The Chair of P&Z pointed out the the site plan was under review, to be completed in February, and that committee would review it for parking and traffic sections. As there is no construction planned for the school, this should not be an issue.
Motion: That SRCC support C.U. permit assuming there are no problems with process. Supporting: 25, Opposing: 1, Abstaining: 3. PASSED
8. 8:20 A new business is being proposed called Neighborhood Goods at 1007 South Congress, which would have a restaurant/bar component that would sell alcoholic beverages. They are close enough to the School for the Deaf to trigger a waiver for alcohol sales. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Link to presentation with location information and floorplan.
Presenter: Andrew Saavedra, Director of Store Expansion, andrew@neighborhoodgoods.com
Introductions made by chair of P&Z. Presenter was Andrew Saavedra of Neighborhood Goods based in Dallas. (They also have stores in Plano and NYC.) The store will be located at S. Congress and Academy on the north side. Neighborhood Goods is a new kind of department store with popups for digital brands. It gives online-only brands opportunity for brick & mortar experience. They hope to hold classes and events. Operating hours will be 10 am – 9 pm. Includes an in-store café with wine/alcohol sales. They need waiver to sell alcohol. The School for the Deaf has expressed no opinion. A neighbor asked about parking for patrons as well as employees. They will have validated parking for patrons and are hoping to help with parking solutions for employees.
Motion To send the same type of letter to City as was used for Magdalena/Music Lane in December of 2018 where SRCC will neither oppose or support. Supporting: 24, Opposing: 1. Abstaining: 2. PASSED
9. 8:35 SRCC is considering changing the location for the General Membership meetings from Life in the City to Good Shepherd on the Hill (1700 Woodland), and changing the meetings to be the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm with the annual pot-luck moved to the third Tuesday in April. This issue was discussed at the October, November, and December General Membership meetings and feedback was generally positive. Discussion with and input from the membership is being solicited on the proposed changes; on November 13th a survey was sent via email to those who receive the SRCC Monthly Update emails. At the January 2020 SRCC Executive Committee meeting, the EC unanimously voted to recommend the proposed changes in venue and day to the membership. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Link website post with a summary of survey results and proposal details.
Presenter: Eric Cassady
Motion: That SRCC’s general membership meetings be held at Good Shepherd on the Hill on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm starting in March of 2020 and that the annual pot-luck and elections meeting be held on the third Tuesday of every April starting in April of 2020. Supporting: 33; Opposing: 0; Abstaining: 0. PASSED
- The Travis County Clerk’s Office would like you to come meet the new voting system and try it out.
- February 8, 2020 at South Austin Rec Center 10am-1pm
- February 8, 2020 at Austin Central Library 3pm-5:30pm
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need volunteers for open positions including
- SRCC has restarted the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH program, and is looking for participants. Anyone interested should contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at tgroce71@gmail.com to get involved!
- Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team members are stewards of our 2005. Neighborhood Plan. To join or for information, visit this page:
https://www.srccatx.org/about/greater-south-river-city-neighborhood-plan/ Contact Terry Franz if interested: tmfranz@airmail.net
*Frequently used acronyms: ACF: Austin Community Fund; ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council; SF: Single Family zoning category; FLUM: Future Land Use Map; GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team; NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District; PUD: Planned Unit Development; SCC: South Central Coalition of NAs
Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine, vicepresident@srccatx.org Minutes Prepared by Betty Weed, communications@srccatx.org and Mary Friedman, secretary@srccatx.org