SRCC’s current meeting location and day presents challenges in accessibility, parking, and scheduling. As a result of feedback from neighbors, and a gracious offer by Good Shepherd on the Hill to host our meetings, we are considering making a change.
Proposed Location: Good Shepherd On The Hill, 1700 Woodland Ave, Austin, TX 78741
Key advantages include: a convenient location with ample, free, on-site parking (approximately 30-35 spaces), including handicapped parking with overflow street parking nearby, and a ground-floor meeting venue providing easy accessibility.
Proposed Day and Time: Third Tuesday of each month at 7pm
Key advantages include: an earlier start time, the ability to hold the annual potluck and elections on the same night as the regular meetings, and no meetings on Labor Day. The annual potluck and elections will move to April to avoid conflicts with spring break.
SRCC has been evaluating this change and soliciting feedback from members and neighbors since last fall. In November, an electronic survey was sent out to recipients of SRCC’s monthly updates and the response was overwhelmingly positive. A summary of the results are below.
On January 21st, the SRCC Executive Committee passed a motion to recommend the changes to the general membership. That vote will take place at the next general membership meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 7:15 PM at Life in the City United Methodist Church.