Monday, April 15, 2019 6:30 PM
Opal Divine’s Austin Grill (Best Western Hotel)
2200 S IH 35 Frontage Rd., AUSTIN, TEXAS

To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online www.srccatx.org. Not sure if you are current? Email membership@srccatx.org and we’ll let you know.
1. 6:30 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Eric Cassady, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted.
Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm. The SRCC President reviewed voting procedures and that we use Robert’s Rules of Order.
2. 6:35 Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. Reminder of changes to bylaws regarding voting members of EC.
3. 6:40 Approve minutes from January 21, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Location Opal Divine’s Austin Grill.
Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: May 20, June 17, Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, April 20
Motion: Claudette Lowe/Kim Lanzilotti To approve the EC minutes from the Jan. 21st, 2019 EC meeting. 10/0/0 PASSED
4. 6:45 A neighbor is asking for SRCC support for a couple of mobility-related issues. There is interest in getting a 4-way stop at the intersection of Kenwood and Fairmount, and he would like SRCC’s support. Another concern is the lack of sound barriers in the proposed work on I-35.
Presenter: Rob Tompkins, SRCC Resident
The SRCC President introduced Rob Tompkins to the NA. Mr. Tompkins helped us remember the location of the intersection at Kenwood and Fairmont and shared that the speed of traffic through that intersection has been a problem for several years and has gotten worse. He shared that the E/W passage has stop signs there. There are young children who live in the area, and there have been some close calls with screeching brakes. Kenwood doesn’t have stop signs heading North on Kenwood and the problem is even worse. Mr. Tompkins shared that he has talked to 311 and the city is going to send someone out to observe. A second issue for his neighbors is the traffic noise from I-35. He has come to the NA meeting to get advice.
A member discussed the fact that she has discussed the noise issue with TxDot and they shared that the topography of the neighborhood makes building a wall an unsuccessful solution. (Hills are higher than the top of where the wall would reach.) Other members encouraged re-visiting the noise issue because there are lots of neighbors who have reported problems with the noise, too. Other neighbors shared that friends living along Mopac report that the walls didn’t cause much of a difference. Mr. Tompkins offered to pursue becoming involved and asked if anyone in the NA would want to support. The President of SRCC shared that we are currently lacking a chair for the Mobility Committee and suggested that Mr. Tompkins consider taking that position.
Regarding the stop sign issue, the President of SRCC suggested contacting Kathie Tovo’s office and getting the issue on the agenda for a General Membership Meeting to request NA write a letter of support. A member of the EC suggested that Mr. Tompkins contact Betty Weed, as she has been through the process for the intersection of Live Oak and Alameda. Others suggested speed bumps and other traffic calming devices that have been used in the city.
5. 6:55 Report from the President: Returning officers for 2019-2020, volunteer opportunities, yard signs, ad-hoc Outreach Committee.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
The SRCC President shared that we are still seeking a chair for Mobility, a representative for ANC, and an area coordinator for area 4a. He shared what has been happening with the yard signs. The design has made progress, and has had a first iteration, but the volunteer has become busy. We may need to consult with someone else. We are also still seeking a chair for the Ad-Hoc Outreach Committee.
6. 7:05 Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications
Planning and Zoning—Neighbors to the old Opry House property (200 Academy) are not happy about the planned building of multi-family buildings along Melissa. The property has zonings right now that limits the number of units and height and the developer is seeking changes. They also want retail in the space with an outdoor music venue and a big parking space. The Planning and Zoning Chair shared dates that have been extended from the architect for representatives from the NA to meet. A neighbor who lives near the location shared that some neighbors have already had a couple of meetings and the current plan entails intensive change to the neighborhood. Currently, the area NCCD and the FLUM would not permit these changes. The Chair of P&Z suggested that we have an ad-hoc committee to organize and deal with this project. Several neighbors encouraged taking an active part in representing the NA’s point of view. It was decided that we find a chair and stated goal for the ad hoc committee before the next general membership meeting. At the next GM meeting a request
A neighbor asked about the assisted living center that is going at Payload Pass and expressed a desire to follow up on the project.
Historic Preservation: The Travis Heights National Register District application has been turned in to the Texas Historical Commission and then it will go to the review board in the fall. Also, 508 Mary has come up again. This is the house that is located in the Local Historic District where the owner wanted first to demolish the house, but was informed that demolition was not allowed, and was advised on how to rehabilitate the house. Her restoration and rehab plans are moving forward to the HLC. The current plan follows the LHD requirements.
Finance: Nothing to report
Mobility: Nothing to report
Public Safety: The Chair of Public Safety showed us the new magnet signs that go on cars who patrol. He reported that he got lots of looks when he used them in his patrols.
Parks and Environment: Nothing to report.
Schools: The Chair of Schools reported that discussions are there are district meetings about consolidating schools and re-drawing boundaries. There is a meeting this Wednesday, April 17th, 6:00-8:00 pm at Lively Middle School (formerly Fulmore). The meetings are to discuss the process and no announcements have been made about any closures. She shared that she will she going to the meeting and report back, but also encouraged any interested parties attend. A neighbor shared that there was no crossing guard at Live Oak and Alameda the other day, and expressed concern.
Communications: Nothing to report.
7. 7:25 Check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. Norwood; SCACDC; NPCT; ANC*–see item below; SCC*; South Central Waterfront; St. Edward’s; S. Central Affordable CDC
South Central Waterfront Board A neighbor reported that the SCW Board has been putting pressure on the city staff to follow through with the advisory board’s recommendations. The Waterfront advisory board makes recommendations to city staff in order to get benefits for citizens from new development in the area. However, the staff is not responded by following through. As a result, the SCW Board wrote a strongly- worded letter to the Austin City Council, which was picked up by local media.
8. 7:35 Gabriel Pereira has volunteered for the role of Austin Neighborhoods Council representative. Per the bylaws, the rep is to “Attend ANC meetings and report back to SRCC General Membership. ANC Representative is authorized to speak at ANC meetings on behalf of the SRCC organization consistent with prior resolutions of the Executive Committee and General Membership.†The SRCC ANC Representative is an elected position. Per bylaws, EC makes appointments to fill mid-term vacancies and these appointments do not require vote of General Membership. If Gabe agrees to continue as ANC rep next year, he will be the candidate at elections of March Annual meeting. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
SRCC President introduced Gabriel Pereira to the group. Mr. Pereira is stepping forward to volunteer as our representative to ANC. He has lived in the NA for two years and has been attending GM meetings. He works in government relations for the Texas A & M system. The SRCC president offered to share contact information and notes from prior representatives to give Mr. Pereira insight into the role of the SRCC representative to ANC. He encouraged Mr.Pereira to attend the next ANC meeting, even though it is before the next SRCC GM meeting, just to get a feel for things.
MOTION: Claudette Lowe/Carol Martin To recommend Gabriel Pereira as the SRCC representative to ANC. 11/0/0. PASSED
9. 7:50 We expect next year to see some SRCC officers changing roles, as well as a few vacancies which we will need to fill with new nominees. This year will be Carol Martin’s last as Membership Secretary, and Mary Friedman would like to move into that role. Dan Fredine is planning to move into the Secretary role, leaving a vacancy at Vice President.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
The SRCC President announced that we are fortunate to have a potential transition plan for new officers that will be elected at the next Annual Meeting March 2020. Mary has agreed to be a candidate for Membership Secretary; Dan Fredine has agreed to be a candidate for Secretary; At this point in time, we still need candidates for Co-VPs and President encouraged EC members to begin talking to other members to find people who might want to run for any of those positions. Dan , Co-VP , reminded the EC that there is currently a vacancy for Co-VP who would work with him, so if a member would like to begin learning about that role now.
The process includes: 1) An ad hoc Nominating Committee will be formed to identify candidates ; 2) a call for candidates is made at the General Membership meeting (September?). 3) the Nominations Committee announces a slate of recommended candidates at the February meeting and publishes the slate in newsletter that is distributed prior to the annual meeting. 4) the ad hoc Nomination Committee will dissolve after the Annual Elections when elected positions are filled.
Per SRCC Bylaws:Elected positions are: President, Co-VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, ANC Representative, Area Coordinators.
“ • The Chair (or Co-Chairs) of each Standing Committee shall be appointed annually by a majority vote of a quorum of the Executive Committee.
“ The term of office shall be one year or until the successor to office is elected. The term of the incoming Officers begins 2 weeks after the election. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. Vacancies occurring in the other offices or Executive Committee positions shall be filled by a person elected by the Executive Committee to complete the unexpired term.
SRCC currently has the following volunteer positions open:
- Mobility Committee Chair
- Austin Neighborhoods Council Representative
- Area Coordinator for Area 4a
- Outreach Committee Members/Chair
Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine, vicepresident@srccatx.org
Minutes Prepared by Mary Friedman, secretary@srccatx.org