Monday, December 3, 2018 7:15 PM
To be sure you get a vote, become a member. You can join or renew online https://www.srccatx.org/. Not sure if you are current? Email membership@srccatx.org and we’ll let you know.
1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion. If an acronym is stated during the meeting and you don’t know what it means, please feel free to raise your hand and ask.*
Presenter throughout: Eric Cassady, SRCC President, president@srccatx.org, unless otherwise noted.
2. 7:25 Membership and voting. Pay multiple years in advance and get a discount. Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50 / Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95 NOTE: In order to vote or make motions, dues must be paid a month in advance, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote.
3. 7:27 Approve minutes from November 5, 2018 monthly general meeting (available at www.srccatx.org).
MOTION: Oliver Caruso/Claudette Low to approve the minutes from November 5, 2018, monthly general meeting 20. For, 0 against, 0 abstaining = PASSED
4. 7:30 Treasurer’s Report – see reverse of agenda. All reports available upon request to the Treasurer treasurer@srccatx.org
Presenter: Oliver Caruso (Treasurer)
Oliver shared details from November’s activity with accounts for SRCC. We have some expenses coming up, which have been approved by the EC. This includes the projector we now are using.
5. 7:35 Committee Chairs reports
1) Planning and Zoning–see item below; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility–see item below; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment–see item below; 7) Schools; 8) Communications; 9) Executive Committee;
Representatives: 11) ANC*; 12) SCC*–see item below; 13) South Central Waterfront; 14) St. Edward’s
Planning and Zoning—See discussion below regarding Magdalena Hotel/Music Lane Development.
Historic Preservation—A neighbor reported that movement has begun on the Norwood Estate. Right now the project is going through the city permitting process. The Austin Parks Foundation has offered a $250K matching grant. If there are any members of the neighborhood wants to contribute by the end of this year, the project will benefit from this grant. Donations can be made online at Norwood Park Foundation.org
Finance—Account reconciliation, Profit & Loss and Balance reports available upon request from treasurer@srccatx.orgor financecommittee@srccatx.org
Mobility—A member mentioned an increase in traffic on Summit, on the east side of of I-35. Members along Summit are asking that anyone who has
Public Safety—Nothing to report
Parks and Environment—Nothing to report
Schools—Prospective parent tours of Travis Heights Elementary School. Anyone who has young children who are interested in the school can tour the school and meet other families. Upcoming tour dates: Dec. 7th, Jan 18th, and Jan. 29th. Two other events are happening this week: the Tamalada (3:00 pm on Wednesday, Dec. 5th) and the Cultural Fest. You can find out more on the website: https://www.travisheightselementary.com/. The AISD board of trustees has decided to table the renaming of the school, with no information on when, or if, it might be taken up again. Several schools throughout the district are in the process of being renamed.
Communications—It is time to start thinking about the next newsletter. Submissions will be accepted at newsletter@srccatx.org
EC—Nothing to report
ANC—Nothing to report
SCC—Is meeting this coming Saturday and there will be discussion about the measures to allow motorized bicycles and scooters on trails.
St. Edwards—Nothing to report
6. 7:55 As part of the I-35 at Oltorf Street project TxDOT has permanently closed the southbound I-35 exit at Oltorf Street; the existing Woodland exit has been repurposed as the Woodland/Oltorf exit. Residents are concerned about additional cut-through traffic on Woodland/Annie, should traffic back up on the service road. At the November SRCC meeting TxDOT provided an overview of the process related to the project.
Link to TxDOT’s information page about the project.https://goo.gl/Wd261y
Presenters/Guests: Julie Richey, CD&P (Representing TxDOT), jrichey@cdandp.com; Karen Lorenzini, TxDOT Mobility35 Program Manager; Jared Wall, City of Austin Traffic Signal Engineer; Mark Malloy, TxDOT Project Manager
Karen Lorenzini introduced those who were in attendance at the meeting. Bruce (from Nov. meeting) has retired. Mark Malloy has taken over role of Project Manager for the Oltorf part of the work. Karen presented a couple of slides on a Mobility 35 study, which started in 2017. The goal of this project was to improve mobility through Austin on I-35. The TxDot work had included over 50 projects through the Williamson/Travis/Hayes counties area and looked at both auto traffic, pedestrian and bicycle enhancements. Because there were questions asked at the November SRCC meeting and time was constrained, Karen & Mark have come to this meeting to help give background and answer questions.
Mark shared details about what the what Oltorf will look like when completed. A neighbor shared how difficult access is to Travis HS at this point and expressed concern over the back-up of traffic along Oltorf (heading east). Several neighbors expressed concern about how much traffic will back up once the free right turn (in front of Starbucks, from eastbound Oltorf onto southbound I-35 service road) is removed. The entrance onto I-35 heading south will move so that it will not be possible to access I-35 directly from St. Edwards Drive. Mark also discussed changes at Woodland and I-35. Once the changes are made, data will continue to be collected about the flow of traffic. Jared Wall shared that the City of Austin controls lights, and a camera was installed at that intersection and can be monitored so that timing changes can occur with lights. Mr. Wall gave an example of data that was collected Oct. thru Nov. and how traffic was effected by timing changes. He suggested if you are experiencing large delays that appear to be related to signal timing, you can ask for a callback from the engineer when calling 311.
Julie Richey shared ways to get information about this project and that members of the project will attend future meetings if more questions or concerns are expressed. She also shared some of the upcoming construction events that might slow traffic over the next couple of months and how to get in touch with someone involved with the project.
See Slideshow from Julie Richey: Â https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FUBeEr-9xq0nK2_caZhFQpA37CbcKNMb/view?usp=sharing
7. 8:25 The Magdalena Hotel and Music Lane developments planned on South Congress are in proximity to the Texas School for the Deaf, requiring waivers to be granted in order to serve alcohol at restaurants on site. This item was previously discussed at the October 2, 2017 meeting, the September 3, 2018 meeting, and the November 5, 2018 meeting. SRCC has not voted to take a position on this waiver. SRCC Planning and Zoning Committee has been working with the developer to recognize why this case presents less of a concern than others, while being consistent with SRCC’s support of AISD in their opposition to waivers. A resolution has been drafted documenting the issues. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Link to draft SRCC resolution and proposed motion about alcohol waiver. https://goo.gl/Y64B7n
Link to minutes of October 2, 2017 SRCC meeting (see item 10). https://goo.gl/SA3xFn
Link to minutes of September 3, 2018 SRCC meeting (see item 6). https://goo.gl/bSWEou
Link to minutes of November5, 2018 SRCC meeting (see item 7). https://goo.gl/KS2XVk
Presenter: Marc Davis, SRCC Planning & Zoning Committee Member, marc.davis@gmail.com
Marc Davis was available to answer questions regarding the project at Magdalena Hotel/Music Lane Development. Clark Lyda, the developer, has been available at a number of meetings to share information about the alcohol waiver requested by the developers of the project (see minutes above). The establishments requesting the waiver are considerably different from previous such requests for waivers from other establishments, but the NA is concerned about establishing a precedent for other projects (for alcohol wavers) that might come forward at a future date. While the NA is taking no position to support or oppose to these waivers, a letter is being drafted to submit to the city to make clear the intent of the NA (see link above).
MOTION: Marc Davis/Sara Campbell: SRCC, while not taking a position to either directly support or oppose the pending alcohol waivers for the Music Lane and Hotel Magdalena projects, will write a letter to the Austin City Council to document our history of (1) generally opposing alcohol sales close to schools and (2) supporting AISD and the community in creating a safe and protected environment in the areas surrounding our schools. Â For, 25 against, 0 abstaining 2 = PASSED
Neighbors discussed comments about the wording of the and any other comments can be forwarded to David Swann at: swanito1@gmail.comor marc.davis@gmail.com by Dec. 7th. In addition, this position by the NA is documented by the letter, so that any other waivers, even by these developers, would need to come before the NA for separate approval.
8. 8:40 Update on the Little Stacy Park Improvement Project. The project has bid and been approved by Council; it will include the conversion of East Side Drive to a nature trail, as well as an Art in Public Places component.
Presenters/Guests: Brendan Wittstruck, Director of Urban Design, asakura robinson, Brendan@asakurarobinson.com and George Maldonado, PARD Project Manager, George.Maldonado@austintexas.gov
Brendan Wittstruck & George Maldonado came to the meeting to share that they finally have a signed contract with the contractor to start the work in Early January. Work will start first at the wading pool area so that it can be completed before the heat of the summer hits. Throughout the project efforts will be made to keep the park open, but major construction will be happening, so there will be some disruptions to park usage. The closing of Sunset Lane is a separate project, but the presenters are in close communication. A neighbor requested that signage is available about the project because this is not just a neighborhood park, but families throughout the city use the park. Another neighbor expressed concern about parking once Sunset Lane is removed. Please contact Brendon with questions and or concerns.
9. 8:45 The proliferation of dockless motorized scooters and the lack of regulation is presenting some problems. The South Central Coalition will be discussing concerns with a proposal to allow motorized scooters on some trails, and allow e-bikes on the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail.
Link to an article about liability, enforcement, and injuries related to scooters. https://goo.gl/nEmMhN
Link to an article about the proposed changes to allow motorized devices on some trails. https://goo.gl/LezKrc
Presenter/Guest: Jeff Jack, ANC President, jjack2@austin.rr.com
Jeff Jack shared concerns about the use of motorized scooters on trails and hike paths throughout the city. He shared that his neighborhood, Zilker, is concerned about the commercialization of the city’s parkland. He requested that the the NA consider writing a letter to the City Manager and the Mayor to ask them to put a hold on the pilot program which allows motorized scooters on some portions of hike and bike trails. At this point, the Parks Dept. has not asked for public input to consider before moving forward with the pilot. Since the next available time period for voting on a motion, that the representative for our NA be informed about the fact that we will be considering sending a letter. Mr. Jack shared a copy of the letter that Zilker has drafted. If you want to give direct feedback, as timing is important and we may not get a letter off in time, contact Sara Hensley, an Interim Assistant City Manager and current Director of Parks and Rec at http://www.austintexas.gov/email/sarahensley
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need volunteers for several open positions including
- SRCC is restarting the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHprogram, and are looking for participants. Anyone interested should contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair attgroce71@gmail.com to get involved!
- Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team members are stewards of our 2005 Neighborhood Plan. To join or for information, visit this page:
Contact Terry Franz if interested: tmfranz@airmail.net
*Frequently used acronyms: ACF: Austin Community Fund; ANC: Austin Neighborhood
Council; SF: Single Family zoning category; FLUM: Future Land Use Map; GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team, NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District; SCC: South Central Coalition of NAs
Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine, vicepresident@srccatx.org
Minutes Prepared by Mary Friedman, secretary@srccatx.org