……part of Keep Austin Beautiful (KAB) Adopt-a- Creek program, in partnership with Austin Watershed Protection
Note: there are about 30 people already on the Stacy Scouts email list to draw on for clean-ups. The need at present is for a new team leader, to organize clean-up days and contact volunteers.
What's involved:
- “Adopt†at least ¼ mile segment of an Austin creek for at least 2 years. In late 2012 the Stacy Scouts adopted Blunn Creek between Big and Little Stacy Parks.
- Conduct at least 4 creek and creek-side cleans-ups per year. Two of these can be in conjunction with KAB Clean Sweep in April and It's My Park Day (Austin Parks Foundation event) in November.
KAB provides:
- Guidance for planning cleans-ups and trash collection.
- Supplies – trash bags, gloves, long-handled grabbers, etc,
- Tools and technical assistance for creek restoration projects, removal of non-native plants (e.g. Ligustrum,etc.)
Contact Sandy Booth for more information at sdbooth@sbcglobal.net