2017 SRCC Annual Election

SRCC’s annual election will be held Tuesday March 7 and we encourage all residents to come out to vote and enjoy the potluck dinner beforehand. This event is a wonderful opportunity to meet your neighbors and have a voice in who will be our new neighborhood leaders. You don’t have to be a member to join in the festivities, but you do have to be a member to vote.

In order to vote, dues must be paid a month in advance, per by-laws requiring a 28-day waiting period after dues are paid until a new member can vote, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote. The deadline to pay dues and still be able to vote in the election as a new member was Tuesday, February 7, 2016. You can learn more HERE.

Meeting details are as follows:

Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2016
Potluck Starts: 6pm
Election Starts: 7:30pm

Life in the City United Methodist Church
205 E. Monroe St.
Austin, TX 78704

We have a nominating committee for officer positions, and the minimum qualifications required are that you must be a resident and member in good standing within SRCC. If you would like to be considered by the committee and have your candidacy posted on the slate, please let Carol Martin (membership@srccatx.org) know before the meeting if possible. We will also be taking nominees from the floor during the meeting.

Our current slate is as follows and will be updated as we receive new candidates.

Gretchen Otto

Vice President:
Dan Fredine

Mary Friedman

Nancy Byrd

Area Coordinators:
Area 1 Claudette Lowe
Area 1 Marylin Orton
Area 1 Lee Schneider
Area 2 Russell Fraser
Area 2 Eugene Kubelka
Area 3a Jo Webber
Area 3a Sara Newsom
Area 3b Brooks Kasson
Area 3b Marc Davis
Area 4a Sam Martin
Area 4a Mary Friedman
Area 4b Kris Asthalter
Area 5 Neal Nuwash
Area 5 Elloa Mathews
Area 6 Laura Gass Weaver
Area 6 Rachel McClure
Area 7 Kelvin Glover
Area 7 Jackie Hatfield
Area 8 volunteer needed
Area 8 Kim Lanzillotti

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