SRCC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – Jan 23rd, 2017

MONDAY, January 23, 2017 6:30 PM
The Martin Residence
1901 Travis Heights Blvd, AUSTIN, TEXAS

To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.

1. 6:30 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Gretchen Otto, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted.

2. 6:33 Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions.
Presenter: Carol Martin, Membership Chair

3. 6:35 Approve minutes from October 17, 2016 Executive Meeting, discuss schedule for future EC meetings.
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm in conference room at LITC UMC (unless moved to drinkery).
Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: January 23, 2016 (discuss officer positions); February 20, 2017 (nominations made); April 17, 2017 (likely date of first meeting for next terms, intros for new officers/EC)
Carol contacted the Amli South Shore about using their social room (table, chairs, sofas, kitchen). We can bring food beverage. An officer will need to come to leasing office at 5:45 to get the key. Usage fee is $25 per meeting and we can pay on a per meeting basis. We will try to use that space for the February meeting.

MOTION: postponed until the minutes are posted online.

4. 6:40 Presentation of a) 4th quarter financial reports and overview of 2016 reports; b) change to financial forecast for 2017–meeting space rent increase (VOTE REQUIRED TO APPROVE)
Presenters: Nancy Byrd, Treasurer; Sam Martin, Finance Chair
The cost to print newsletters was nearly half of normal but we verified the cost and it appears there were less inserts and a generally lower cost. The cost to rent a room at the church has increased from $50 to $75. The increased cost brings our annual expense to $975 and that includes three committee meetings.

MOTION: Garret Nick / Mary Friedman – increase the forecast of expenses for our General Membership meetings from $750 to $975 with the new total forecast being $5,720 = PASSED 12 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstain

5. 6:50 Report from the President: THES advocacy, SRCC email votes, Woodland Storage, Sherwood Oaks sidewalks letter, Austin B-cycle, 4-way stop
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, President
Gretchen serves on the Travis Heights Elementary advocacy team and they have been notified of management issues at the Travis Park Apartments. On February 1st there will be a meeting of this group at 5:30pm at the Travis Heights Elementary library and part of the agenda will include learning about the history of Travis Park advocacy. Please attend if you would like to work on this issue.
The Austin Tenants Council is going to do a presentation at our next general membership meeting that will briefly cover how both tenants and landlords can deal with issues. Then they will have a full presentation at a meeting at THES, including information about fair housing . It would be great to post flyers at that complex to increase attendance at both meetings.
There were zero SRCC email votes.
A Sherwood Oaks sidewalks letter has been written to draw attention to this issue.
Austin B-Cycle is looking to do a pilot program where they install electric bicycles along the Congress corridor.
The 4 way stop on Live Oak was not approved and the school zone sign will not be moved.

6. 7:05 Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning & Zoning- Jean Mather? Russell? Several upcoming zoning cases; 2) Transportation – Michael Sledge, Public Safety- new volunteer STILL needed for Raymond Sinatra; 3) Parks- David Todd (Need help with Blunn Creek tract), Schools-Gretchen/Mary Friedman (TP mold, renter’s rights, fundraiser), Environment- Marty Christman; 4) Special Events – volunteer needed
P&Z – 1616 Oltorf, the old Luby’s, is looking for an upzoning. The goal is to have a short term, 5-10 year, tenant and then look to build a multi purpose project. The developer would like to include the possibility of a drive through for the short term tenant (none currently identified). There is currently a restrictive covenant that does not allow a drive through.
Parks – AISD property at headwaters of Blunn Creek: At the bidding meeting there was another bid that was $11,000 more than what the City bid to turn it into a park. Because we are a third party we can contact the AISD Board about working with us to acquire the tract. We would benefit from contacting our representatives on all fronts. The process is fairly closed due to the nature of the sale. There will be meeting and efforts to participate in so please contact or to get on board.

7. 7:20 Update on Bylaws Committee–proposed plan for how to gather feedback/timeline to get bylaws approved by end of year
Presenter: Carol Martin, Bylaws Committee Chair
By-Laws – The committee presented a summary of the proposed revisions. Process for approval as stated in current bylaws is: Notification of exact wording for all changes must be given not less than 10 days in advance and no more than 60 days before the meeting where vote will be taken. In order to solicit input from the membership, the timeline planned:
March: General outline of changes presented to membership at annual meeting. EC considered including the summary in the next newsletter so the attendees at March meeting are educated prior to discussion.
March – April: Committee accepts feedback from membership and make revisions
May: Post online a Draft of full bylaws revision proposed. Format will be a spreadsheet showing line by line: 1) wording of current bylaws; 2) wording of revised language; 3) rationale for change.
May – July: Committee accepts feedback from membership and make revisions
August: Post the final proposed bylaws to website and deliver with printed Newsletter to all residents
September General Membership meeting: Vote on final bylaws. Requires a â…” majority of quorum to pass. No changes can be made during the meeting. We will vote on the exact language that was distributed in August.

8. 7:30 Ad Hoc Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. 1) Norwood- Wolf Sittler; 2) Historic District- Michele Weber; 3) Finance- Sam Martin; 4) Rep to ANC Austin Nbhd Council- James Bilodeau AWOL/Rep to SCC – Elloa Mathews; 5) Communication- Tina Buck; 6) Rep to South Central Waterfront- Garret Nick (change to Wendy Todd?); 7) CodeNEXT – Russell Fraser; 8) St. Ed’s – Elloa Mathews; 9) NPCT – Elloa Mathews
ANC – James will be out of town for a few months and Elloa will fill in for him until then. ANC elections were held in October. David King was elected as the Chair. Elloa was elected as VP for programs but will step down from that role due to her NPCT duties. ANC is working hard to prepare for the CodeNEXT roll out and got a copy of the document. Smaller groups were created to examine and give feedback to see where the issues overlap and that is where ANC will focus attention. An eco group concerned with environmental issues was formed.
SCC (south central coalition) – There is another effort to close central schools and this will have to be addressed. There is a list of questions needing to be answered in order for this group to even comprise a list of relevant questions much less feedback. It was suggested to ask the ACC GIS students to help us gather data to prepare for CodeNEXT.
NPCT – Russell is the new VP and Elloa is the Chair. It is a requirement that you need to be a steward of the NP versus someone looking to dismantle it. The bylaws for the NPCT have been updated per city requirements. There is an affordable housing developer looking within our boundaries for a project and would stay affordable for 40 years. Much more was discussed…


9. 7:40 Nominations Committee for 2017 SRCC elections–candidate needed, at least for secretary
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, President
You must volunteer to be on this committee; the president is not allowed to be on this committee. This committee’s report is due February 27th to the president and a member of the committee will need to formally present the report at the Annual Meeting. The document outlining the roles and responsibilities of positions should be completed in time for the Annual Meeting. Garret, Carol, Nancy, Elloa, ? (Mary is potentially interested)

10. 7:50 Winter/spring newsletter plans–articles needed!
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, President
Tina and Gretchen are building an outline but would love any extra help.

11. 7:55 Parking on The Circle
Presenter: Claudette Lowe
Without making any announcement, the City closed all the parking on Circle and next to Lucky Robot due to not enough space for fire trucks. A lawyer for the merchant’s association was there to dispute the change and the resolve was to have a temporary eight places for delivery trucks or to make it one way.

We still need volunteers for the following open positions: Public Safety Co-Chair (in charge of neighborhood watch program), Schools C0-Chair (liaison between SRCC and local schools), Special Events Chair (in charge of planning Annual Potluck and July Fourth Picnic), Newsletter Editor (in charge of making newsletter happen)

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