This weekend is the 15th annual Lonestar Roundup, an outdoor hot rod show which theoretically is located at the Travis County Expo Center, but which always brings significantly increased traffic to South Congress as attendees cruise up and down the street on Friday and Saturday evening. APD is going to close all cross-streets that cross Congress between Academy and Live Oak. Streets will be barricaded with police presence. Right turns are allowed in some cases but no left turns. APD says they will let only residents enter in order to reduce the impact on our neighborhood. There will be APD ATVs out and about checking for parking and enforcing laws around the neighborhood.
Please try to plan your trips to avoid the area entirely. For more information or help with a problem, please contact our APD rep Officer Gabriel Guillen at
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Who We Are
South River City Citizens is an Austin, TX, neighborhood association founded in 1972 to give the residents a voice in their community. SRCC covers Travis Heights, South River City, South Congress, St. Edwards and other parts of South Austin (Map Here).
If you would like to become a full member, please visit our Membership & Dues page.
General membership meetings are held over Zoom. The registration link for attending a meeting is on the agenda. Please register 24 hours in advance. Agendas can be found on the website a few days before the meeting. When possible, hybrid meetings are held both over Zoom and at Good Shepherd on the Hill at 1700 Woodland Ave.”
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