Complete Streets for Riverside Drive

Riverside Drive

At the September SRCC General Membership Meeting, Miller Nuttle and Matthew Cramer from BikeAustin presented the organization’s vision for Riverside as a Complete Street. The vision calls for protected bike lanes, better pedestrian facilities, traffic calming measures and improved bus transportation along the Riverside corridor. Specific plans have not been developed, but the organization welcomes anyone interested to participate in their efforts.

BikeAustin is seeking general support from SRCC for a Complete Street plan on Riverside and has asked that we endorse the following letter: Riverside Coalition letter. A vote will be taken on this issue at the October SRCC General Membership Meeting.

Additionally, for anyone who is interested in individually supporting BikeAustin’s efforts, below is a link to the Riverside Petition as well as more information on how to get directly involved. BikeAustin has recently crossed the 500 signature milestone of supporters for Riverside as a Complete Street for all users and abilities.

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