SRCC Logo Contest!

logo contest

SRCC is seeking submissions for a new logo from the great minds and talent within our neighborhood. We have a wonderful volunteer organization that needs an image everyone can identify with—you, our neighborhood, and the City. Let us know what you think embodies SRCC and our neighborhood by sending in your logo design!

Contest Period: January 5, 2015 – March 3, 2015

Submissions Due: March 2, 2015

Final Judging: March 3, 2015


This contest is open to anyone who would like to submit a logo design.


All submissions must be received by March 2 and emailed to Questions should also be directed to this email.

Submissions will be accepted in any form (digital, print, rough drafts, etc.). If a design has been chosen by the members and requires further refinement, SRCC can help to produce a finished digital design.

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