Volunteering with the SRCC Neighborhood Association is a great way to meet your neighbors and get involved in your community! There are quite a few opportunities to help right now. If you are interested, contact Eric Rangel at president@srccatx.org or Gretchen Otto at vicepresident@srccatx.org.
ANC Representative
A volunteer is needed to be an SRCC representative to the Austin Neighborhoods Council. ANC is an umbrella organization consisting of representatives from neighborhoods throughout the city. ANC advocates for public policies that build and sustain inclusive, safe, affordable, and livable neighborhoods. For more information, visit http://ancweb.org. This is a good way to start being involved and learn about issues that concern other neighborhoods as well as SRCC residents. The position consists of attending ANC meetings and reporting back to SRCC members at our general meeting. ANC meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of every month, (except November and December); SRCC general meetings are 1st Monday of each month, (except January and July). This is a position that can be shared to allow some flexibility in your schedule.
Area Coordinator for Area 1
SRCC Area Coordinators recruit block captains to help distribute newsletters and represent your interests at Executive Committee meetings. We try to have two coordinators for each area of the SRCC; currently we are short one for Area 1. The other coordinator for this area, Claudette Lowe, is a longtime resident, so you will have her experience to guide you. Area 1 is bordered by Lady Bird Lake, South Congress Ave., Monroe St, and Eastside Dr./Alameda Dr. Please visit the website for a map to see what area you live in: www.srccatx.org/area-map/
District Representatives
We will be electing a new mayor and new city council members this fall. The city is being divided into 10 districts and SRCC is located in both District 3 and 9. We need at least two people for each district to help be the SRCC representatives to the ANC/Leadership Austin District group. The group gets together once a month and discusses the common interest/issues of the neighborhoods. The group’s purpose is to ensure that the candidates are aware of the issues that face each of the neighborhoods. By working together, we can ensure that our interest and issues will be met. Representatives will need to attend the meetings that are usually on Saturdays for two hours and report back to SRCC about what was said and discussed. You would also be the voice for SRCC and ensure that the group is aware of the thoughts and concerns of SRCC. To see which district you live in, visit austintexas.gov/department/10-one
Public Safety/Neighborhood Watch/Patrol Chair
Our neighborhood watch program has been in place for a few years, and with what started out as a pilot in only one area of our neighborhood, we now have a group of trained patrollers covering the entire SRCC area. Raymond Sinatra has been leading the program for the past couple of years but is now looking for someone new to take the lead. Raymond, with help from past leadership, has laid the foundation that makes the program easy to run and requires a small time commitment. Please let Raymond know if you are interested in helping drive down crime and bring new energy to our program. raymondsinatra@yahoo.com
Quality of Life Committee Chair
The Quality of Life Committee was created to focus on issues that directly effect the quality of life of our residents. While the focus was originally driven primarily by outdoor music, noise, events, and litter concerns, it’s easy to consider almost any issue something that affects our “quality if life” in the neighborhood. In an effort to narrow the focus of the group, this committee focuses only on issues that were not directly addressed by another committee. Under Robert Reeves (the original chair) and with significant contributions from Max Woodfin and Laura Toups, the group was able to have an impact on outdoor music issues from South Congress, trash and litter pick-up surrounding the South Congress area, as well as participation in forming the city’s new restrictions on helicopter flights overhead. Robert had to resign from being the chair of the committee and new leadership is needed at this time to continue to preserve what makes this neighborhood so wonderful. To learn more about SRCC committees, visit our website: www.srccatx.org/committees/
Communications Committee Chair
Are you a social media maven? Are you tech-savvy? Do you love communicating with others? You could be our next Communications Chair. This volunteer would help provide support and gather content for our various social media and communications platforms: website, newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, NextDoor, Google and Yahoo Groups. A background in public relations would be a big plus. Help us with our goal of reaching everyone in the SRCC!
4th of July Parade and Picnic Coordinators
As previously posted, we need volunteers to organize the neighborhood’s 4th of July festivities for 2015. For more information: www.srccatx.org/2014/06/18/4th-of-july-picnic/