MONDAY, February 4, 2013 7:15 PM
To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.
1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers.
Presenter throughout: Marc Davis, President, unless otherwise noted.
2. 7:20 Membership & voting announcements. New membership fee structure effective immediately. If you pay multiple years in advance, you will get a discount.
Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50
Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95
* The Annual SRCC Potluck will be Tuesday March 5th, 2013. Because the Annual Potluck starts at 6:00 pm, and GUMC Fellowship Hall is not available on Mondays until 7:15pm; we hold this special meeting on a Tuesday. Remember: Annual meeting is 1 hour earlier and 1 day later.
Presenter: Marc Davis, President and Membership Chair
3. 7:25 Approve minutes from December 3, 2012, last regular monthly meeting (available at
MOTION: Mary Lovell / Claudette Lowe – to approve the minutes = PASSED
4. 7:28 Treasurer’s Report, January 2013:Account reconciliation, Profit & Loss and Balance reports available upon request from
Presenter: Les Case, treasurer
5. 7:35 Committee Chairs reports
1) Parks, Schools, Environment (report below); 2) Planning & Zoning (report below); 3) Transportation & Public Safety (report below); 4) Norwood; 5) Historic District; 8) Financial; 9) Reps to ANC Austin Nbhd Council (report below); 10) Communication (report below)
Norwood – The contract with the city is nearly signed and the third revision of the contract with PARD is set to be signed this month.
6. 7:40 Update on 518 Oltorf upzoning and FLUM (Future Land Use Maps) change request
Presenter: Jean Mather, co-chair Zoning & Planning committee; Terry Franz, member Neighborhood Plan
This property is the dental office at the corner of Oltorf and Rebel and is looking to be sold. The prospective buyer wants to turn it into a restaurant but this requires both a neighborhood plan amendment and an upzoning. At our last meeting, SRCC membership voted not to support the zoning change and the Neighborhood Plan Contact Team voted to oppose the plan amendment as well. The planning commission heard the case on January 22nd and also recommended to oppose the changes with a 6-2 vote. It now moves to City Council but that date has not been set yet. The neighborhood produced a valid petition that will force the City Council to have a super majority in order to grant the variance.
7. 7:45 Overview of Helicopter Working Group Meetings
Presenter: Max Woodfin, member
The F1 weekend produced 317 helicopter flights to/from the Embassy Suites with 58% of over 100 complaints coming from Travis Heights. The general consensus is that the load over our area was way too much. Return trips from the racetrack took longer than the public transportation options provided. Some changes proposed by the working group included limiting the total number of helicopters allowed at a given site like the Embassy Suites or limiting the total number of trips per hour. Flight paths are controlled by FAA, not the city, so there is no way to force the helicopters to fly in a particular area. The helipad hours can be limited by the city but if the flights are coming from outside the city then they have no control over where they fly.
8. 7:55 Request to send a letter of complaint to AT&T and others regarding their solicitors
Presenter: Raymond Sinatra, Chair of Transportation and Public Safety Committee
There has been lots of AT&T solicitor activity in the neighborhood and a concern by the residents that it might be linked to crime. If you see a solicitor, or anyone, looking suspicious the best thing to do is call 911. Adding a “No Solicitors†sign to your fence and door has shown to be effective by some neighbors.
MOTION: Raymond Sinatra / Claudette Lowe – to write a formal letter to AT&T asking to cease their solicitor campaign in our area as well as request background checks and IDs for the solicitors = PASSED
9. 8:00 Presentation on THES becoming an in-district charter
Presenter: Kim-Marie O’Driscoll, member, Principal Lisa Robertson and Sherri Ancipink, Chair Schools Committee
A diverse group representing Travis Heights Elementary came to share information about all the changes at THE. THE is now a community-led school and they secured a grant to push the project forward. The Innovation School Project is a process of building relationships in and outside of THE to define a vision for the school and implement it. 97% of student households support the project. The project is currently just a pilot, kicking off next school year and being implemented over the next three years. The city is looking at this project as a model for future schools of this nature. The curriculum is still based on what the state/city requires but also includes other skill development. You can reach the Innovation School Project at
10. 8:15 Presentation on the Eastside Drive Stream Restoration and Rain Garden Project
Presenter: Kristin Pipkin, City of Austin Watershed Protection Department
This project was proposed three years ago but is just now getting implemented. From Annie to Monroe there will be 500 linear feet of restoration work to improve stability and water quality along Blunn Creek. The staging area will be minimized and located in a nook across from the main trail. A rain garden will be installed that will collect water from East Side Drive by the footbridge and direct it through a series of limestone steps and into a garden area where it can filter and absorb. While these gardens are drought tolerant there will be an irrigation system to support the project for at least three years.
MOTION: Mary Lovell / Danette Chimenti – to support the effort = PASSED
11. 8:30 Presentation on Keep Austin Beautiful
Presenter: Ivey Kaiser, Community Programs, KAB
Around for 28 years working to clean, beautify and educate Austin. SRCC has applied for and received a grant from KAB for the Blunn Creek Nature Preserve. We are welcome to apply for another grant ranging from $500-$2,500. KAB has a toolshack lending library where you can borrow tools for backyard and garden projects. If there is an area you’d like to clean up, KAB will provide supplies for you to do this. The Adopt-A-Creek program allows a group to adopt a creek for two years with a four time a year cleaning commitment. The “Stacey Scouts†have recently adopted a section of Blunn Creek. Adopt-A-Street gives groups recognition for adopting a street and committing to keep it clean for a two year period. A native plant seed collection program gives seed collectors a way to trade what they have for other seeds they’d like to try. Event Recycling is available for anyone hosting an event who would like to have recycle bins and supplies to collect recyclables.
12. 8:40 Updated on SRCC website enhancements
Presenter: Jason Molin, member of Communication Committee
Jason is officially starting his role to help with maintenance and improvement of the SRCC internet resources with a focus on the website. He is looking for input and feedback from anyone interested in providing it.
13. 8:45 Request for support for a concert in Little Stacy Park
Presenter: Jason Molin, member
Jason moved here from D.C. fifteen years ago to pursue a music career. He would like to perform a show at the pavillion at Stacey Park with a full band and slightly amplified sound. PARD is very strict about what they allow at the pavillion and generally does not condone it. It was suggested by the 4th of July organizers that this show might be incorporated into the neighborhood 4th of July Parade.
14. 8:50 Presentation/request to re-launch the SRCC 4th of July festivities
Presenter: Gretchen Harries Graham, member
There is a new effort to revive the 4th of July festivities, speak up if you’d like to participate.
MOTION: Danette Chimenti / Susan Meredith – to anoint Gretchen Graham as the new organizer for this event = PASSED
15. 8:55 We need a new ANC representative
Wolf Sitler is stepping down as our ANC representative and we are looking for someone to replace him. SRCC is one of sixty members representing all of the neighborhood groups of Austin. There is a once a month meeting on the 4th Wednesday for two hours.
16. There are numerous rebates for energy efficiency available to homeowners but most of them expire March 31st. Please check the city website.
17. Les Case is stepping down as the treasurer of SRCC and we are looking to replace him in time for the annual meeting.