Norwood Stories #1 : Team Norwood – Architecture

If you don’t know how city bureaucracy works, it’s puzzling that the Norwood Posse official offer (July, 2011) to our cash starved Parks Dept., to privately finance the rehabilitation of the Norwood House, has not been welcomed with open arms.

Nonetheless, after almost four years of lobbying, and now with Parks Board approval, we are involved in negotiations designed to permit us to begin hands on work. Once started, it will take a lot less than four years……..conservatively, one year, to transform that house into a rentable event center, also available for community use. And that is just the beginning of the PARD planned full development of the Norwood Park into a real gem of a park, at a gateway to Austin……with access to Lady Bird Lake.

As part of the lead-up to hand work beginning, we have assembled a team of professionals who will help us reach the goal. One of these is Heimsath Architects, longtime restoration architects in Austin. They have an interesting blog for anyone interested in architecture, including preservation….in which they happen to be experts.

To see an example of their blog about the Norwood House, click this:

As this moves slowly forward, you’re invited to offer whatever help you can

just drop a line to:

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