The Norwood Posse is pleased to announce that PARD staff is recommending restoration of the Norwood House. In addition they are considering adding an additional facilitiy as well as upgrades to the entire site. We are now in negotiations with PARD to assist them in identifying a “preferred alternative” that will be presented to city boards, commissions and the city council. Ideas under consideration are expanded parking, accessibility, connectivity to boardwalk, walkways, a water feature, etc.
We continue to promote the idea of a public/private partnership to accomplish the objective as PARD has no funding to do anything at this time. Our aim is to restore the house, using primarily private funding, and to operate and maintain it under the umbrella of the soon to be created Norwood Park Foundation.
Thanks to everyone who has helped us reach this point. Much remains to be done, and we will be calling on our community to assist in the way forward.
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Who We Are
South River City Citizens is an Austin, TX, neighborhood association founded in 1972 to give the residents a voice in their community. SRCC covers Travis Heights, South River City, South Congress, St. Edwards and other parts of South Austin (Map Here).
If you would like to become a full member, please visit our Membership & Dues page.
General membership meetings are held over Zoom. The registration link for attending a meeting is on the agenda. Please register 24 hours in advance. Agendas can be found on the website a few days before the meeting. When possible, hybrid meetings are held both over Zoom and at Good Shepherd on the Hill at 1700 Woodland Ave.”
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