SRCC General Membership Meeting Minutes – 9/5/2011

SRCC General Membership Meeting Minutes – 9/5/2011


1. 7:15 Room arrangement, meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers.
Presenter throughout: Marc Davis, Vice President, unless otherwise noted.

2. 7:20 Membership & voting announcements.
There were no new announcements to be made.

3. 7:25 Approve minutes from August 1, 2011, last regular monthly meeting (available at

MOTION: Jean Mather/Teresa Griffin – To approve the minutes = PASSED



4. 7:30 Herbicide spraying along Blunn Creek — latest news subsequent to SRCC representatives meeting with City Parks and Recreation staff.
Presenters: Teresa Griffin and Jeff Kessel, members.
The city has reviewed the work done by Daniel White and told him to stop all his activities. It was agreed to have the SRCC President draft a complaint about Daniel White to be given to the Texas Agriculture Commission listing the violations of process and negligence as well as an official letter of disappointment to PARD for allowing the work to be done without proper notification to SRCC. At the October meeting we will read the letters and vote on sending them.



5. 7.45 Variance Request for 1304 Alta Vista Ave.
Presenters:  Jean Mather, Chair of Zoning & Planning Committee
A variance request was made to replace a rotting covered parking area after the applicant already started the process. The structure in question was originally built in the side setback many years ago but had deteriorated and was in need of repair.

MOTION: Jean Mather/Jason Snell – To support the variance request to rebuild the carport 2.5 feet into the 5 foot side setback as it originally stood = PASSED



6. 8:00 Update from the Transportation and Public Safety Committee about the newly launched Neighborhood Watch Patrol program
Presenter:  Marc Davis, Member of Transportation and Public Safety Committee
So far 24 neighbors have been trained with 12 actively participating in car, foot and bike patrols for the last 2 months. Statistics will be compiled and compared after 6 months of patrols. Maria Canchola has asked her constables to pass through the area on trips between the office and the courthouse to add to the presence. Also, after further investigation it was realized that the funds approved for the purchase of Neighborhood Watch signs for the area were insufficient and only served to cover the cost for the city to install the signs. An additional $175 is needed to purchase the signs which will complete the intention of the original vote to support the effort.

MOTION: Marc Davis/Merrell Foote – To approve an additional $175 to purchase the signs = PASSED

7.  8:15  General Announcements
a. A huge thank you to Teresa Griffin for participating in the Zoning and Planning Committee and helping to craft the guidelines and documents currently used by the committee. Teresa is stepping down with Kent Anschutz and Russel Fraser stepping up to join Jean Mather.



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