Here’s a short video to introduce this message
The City of Austin website about the Norwood study mentions the Norwood Posse and states that “This group will play a key role in the planning process.”
When the Houston-based Preservation Specialist with CasaBella Architects recommended that the house be demolished, we were not surprised. She said it would be “fiscally irresponsible” to fix it. Nowhere was there any mention of our low cost restoration planning. No surprise there, as we always objected to having demolition of the house on the table. So now we are ready to play that “key role” by preparing a comprehensive restoration/reconstruction plan that can be accomplished without the use of public funds. On July 19 we will present this proposal to senior PARD staff for their consideration. Thanks to the vision and generosity of our investors, we are now ready, willing and able to use that “key” to unlock 26 years of PARD indifference and make that house a beautiful addition to our public parks. The consultants can continue their long overdue study and figure out how to make the rest of the park design reflective of the character of the house and our community.
If you want more information, or want to help somehow, contact me at
If you support our effort, send an email to PARD Director Hensley