Demonstrate your support for the Norwood House

Tonight’s 2nd community input meeting is critical. You have followed the Norwood Posse efforts over the last three years to get something done at the Norwood Park. Today is essentially the last opportunity for community members to express their views. The next meeting ( July) will have the consultants presenting their three options with associated costs. This is not a request to participate in an endless series of meetings…….JUST THIS ONE!!!!
The purpose tonight is to continue to “gauge public sentiment regarding the house and the park”. Dog park advocates are mounting a serious effort to push their agenda that essentially ignores the house, or makes it a part of the dog park.
The website for this consultant study ( states that “Estimates for short-term and long term costs (construction, maintenance and operation) associated with this project will factor greatly into decisions regarding its future”.
In a tv interview, PARD Project Manager Marty Stump stated that restoration would cost at least $1 million. This totally ignores Norwood Posse efforts to make this a not-for-profit project using volunteers and donations of as much as possible. No surprise there as we were totally ignored when PARD came up with the idea of hiring consultants.
Fed up with city staff wasting taxpayer money!!!! Join with us tonight!!!!

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