Communications committee meeting minutes 02/24/2011

Communications Ad Hoc Committee Meeting, Thursday February 24, 2011, 4:30 – 5:30 pm, Carol’s house 1901 Travis Hts Blvd., Attending:  Marc Davis, Carol Martin, Garret Nick, Gloria Lee, Sarah Campbell. Our focus was progress in expanding newsletter distribution, website functionality, membership, maintainance of archives.

Membership: Process for  table at Annual meeting was discussed. Brian and Karlie Talinte to help checking membership status and distributing ballots.

Newsletter: ACTION ITEM: Carol will contact Peel, Inc. to explore working with SRCC for publishing and mailing a newsletter.

Website: We agreed: 1) all official communications will contain reference to SRCC website url (posts to Yahoo group [list serve]; printed newsletter; etc.) 2) the admins of the website will be Marc, Garrett and Gloria; 3) style of posts to website will be ‘conversational’ tone.
Content authors will be committee chairs Gloria Lee (Publications), David Todd (Parks), Sherri Ancipink (Schools); Marty Christman (Environment), Jean Mather, Teresa Griffin (Planning & Zoning), Carol (Membership, Communications), Wolf Sittler (Austin Nbhd Council)  [should we keep Norwood as a committee until PARD begins the project???]Sam Martin (Financial), Toni House (EROC), Elloa Matthews (Sherwood Oaks). Other representatives can submit content to cmte chairs for posting. Other authors can be set up as needed.
Need a new rep for Travis Heights Fairview Park Historic District Ad Hoc Cmte. ACTION ITEM:Sarah will contact Melanie Martinez and Parry Gettelman.
ACTION ITEM: Marc will set up ID for the authors, draft an email to notify content authors of new website process. He will send them documentation and suggest they do the tutorial on their own. He will  invite them to a class to walk through steps. We will also offer to meet them for coaching, whatever gets them on board. Target date: before next EC meeting? 
Our goal is to launch site at April general meeting. ACTION ITEM: Marc / Garrett will add link to old website.

Archives project  (Carol & Sarah) Carol’s met with Molly Hultz of Austin History Center (AHC). They will keep the original order of our files.  Although AHC does not handle electronic files, they maintain a public website that lists content of the archives (hardcopy). SRCC will be able see what folders are in our collection and have access to them at any time.  ACTION ITEM: Carol will prep a document of Archive guidelines and recommendation that SRCC add policy in bylaws making an officer responsible for donating documents to AHC annually. The draft policy to be reviewed/approved by EC. Target date: April 18th. 

Our next meeting date to be determined after the action items are completed.

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