August 11, 2010 @ 6:00pm, Carol and Sam Martin’s house
ATTENDING:Â Carol Martin, Garret Nick, Marc Davis, Sarah Campbell; Absent but in touch via email:Â Helen Valdez
1. Membership — (in addition to notes on agenda) suggested that as part of CM’s talk at the beginning of each meeting, she remind audience that only paid-up members are allowed to vote on issues, that if they are unsure of status, they can ask her during meeting, as she wil always have a current membership list with her.
           Also discussed the potential problem of growing our membership which will raise our # for a quorum, and still having difficulty getting members to attend meetings; may need to change quorum rules. Garret to research a few of the  larger neighborhood associations to see how they do it.
2. Standardized Communication messages — a discussion of CM’s idea of “Zoning 101” made us realize what she has in mind is really more like “Land Use 101”. She will take a stab at outlining it.
           MD’s Safety is almost done.
           SC’s (with Teresa Griffin) Variance Policy is moving along.
3. Publication — Toni Guggenbickler is our new N2 contact. CM says Toni is very energetic and enthusiastic, willing to do a lot of what we were concerned would fall to us to do in order to have this monthly publication service. Toni has a degree in Marketing and has managed apartments, so has ideas about how to reach those residents.
           Toni will discuss our concerns with the contract with the President of N2. Our biggest concern is the 24-month hiatus from advertising with anyone else imposed on us if we cancel the contract. It’s extreme.
 CM obtained the mailing list of 3000 addresses within SRCC. She will try to winnow out the multi-family (rental) addresses, and get a # to Toni so latter can determine her costs and the amount of advertising she will need to sell. Toni wants the first issue to go out asap. Process: get contract questions answered. If all OK, take to SRCC EC on 9/20 and to General on 10/4/10. Use N2’s FAQ as basis for presentation to SRCC.Â
Item 3. ‘Carol will ask if it’s ok to post a PDF of N2 newsletter on line
4. Website – CM, MD, GN and Helen have reviewed for usability. SC needs to review for content. Will cost $20/month = $240/year.
Open vs closed content: almost all will be open; if certain items can be made closed, MD and GN will create; otherwise, everything will be open. Site can be browsed by anyone, but no one can post until they have joined. Due to push RE: N2, we will aim for Jan-Feb to launch the new website.
Garret will research and report on models used by other neighborhood associations for
- quorum requirements for meetings, 
- decision-making process (membership at large?; committee? Etc.
Marc will compile the ‘blurb’ from Safety Committee: when to call 311, etc.
Carol will send to cmte a draft of very brief introduction to land use; what types of issues are most often discussed at meetings
Sarah will draft a timeline for accomplishing her goals: 
- renaming committees
- restructuring committees (adding a Finance Cmte, renaming Land Use, etc.
Carol will contact N2 rep with questions on content being posted to both website and in publication
Carol will draft proposal to present at Oct. 4 general membership for working with N2
       NEXT MEETING: Carol and Marc will meet on Wednesday Sept 8 @ 6pm to review details. Marc will present it at Executive mtg on Monday Sept 20 (I’ll be out of town)
       Sarah will send out minutes