Communications Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday June 2, 2010, 5:30 – 6:30 pm, Carol’s @1901 Travis Heights Blvd
Attending:Â Sarah Campbell, Marc Davis, Carol Martin, Garret Nick
Absent but in touch via email: Helen Valdez
Next email dues renewal reminder to be sent June 8, after the general monthly meeting on June 7th.
Action item: Carol will present membership report at each monthly meetings. Carol will send email reminders a week before meetings.
- Carol renewed PO Box rental and will get reimbursement from Treasurer
 Standardized Communication messages to appear on list-serve; on website, in newsletter, etc.:
-  “Zoning 101†paragraph that can be used to consistently facilitate basic understanding of general zoning and variance requests. Status of drafts written by Teresa Griffin.
Action item: Not yet done; Teresa is still working on this? - Written statement of SRCC variance ‘policy’ Sarah has the process and policy document and will present it to membership at August meeting. This topic is purview of another committee. The Communications Committee’s role will only be to post the policy and help educate the membership (list serve, newsletters, website, etc.
- Security: when to call 911; when to call 311. Marc will prepare a ‘message’ that can appear in newsletter, on website, etc. When relevant emails appear on list serve, it is responsibility of Committee chair (Safety cmte chair is Marc) to consistently provide the ‘message’ (when to call 911; when to call 311) and take opportunity to personalize the response.Â
Action item: Marc to draft blurb to appear on new website, and newsletter - update on N2 publication proposal. Our contact is Teresa Rose. Carol is exchanging emails and N2 is recruiting an Area Director to handle our publication. This is taking longer that expected, but Carol persevers.
Action Item: Get a commitment from N2 before end of year. - implementation plan for Content providers. Carol has drafted a proposed process for using a website to store articles for future publications, etc. She has reviewed N2 website for their method of submitting articles and it seems a good model.
Sarah has prepared a good list of potential content providers.
Action items: Carol will contact some sources (schools, orgs, that might share articles with a specific readership in our neighborhood. - N2 contract. Not yet discussed with N2. See item a above.
- Newsletter
- Â Website
- revised Ning site (Marc and Garret). Marc gave a demo of the latest version of new website. It looks clean and inviting and user-friendly.
Action items: Carol, Sarah, Helen will look at it on their own and give Marc feedback before mid-August. Recommend which areas should be open to public and which should be restricted to SRCC executives. Target date should be before the September meeting so our committee will have something to show. - Determine next meeting date.
     Action item: We need to work around vacations. Try Aug 11th or 12th?