RPP has been discussed for the Sherwood Oaks neighborhood to stem the clogged streets caused by St. Edward’s students, employees and construction worker parking. Some Travis Heights/SoCo areas now have RPP. Â There are both advantages and disadvantages to RPP.60% of households have to agree to the permits. An application has to be submitted. Money has to be gathered and tags distributed. Households can have up to 4 permits which cost $15 each. All streets in a neighborhood must participate in order to make the program work rather than just off-load the problems to the next non-permitted street. Some Travis Heights streets near South Congress have enacted RPP with mixed results.
Info here about East Austin RPP: http://kxan.com/2014/05/16/neighbors-battle-over-permitted-parking-along-their-streets/Â Â City of Austin FAQ sheet here:Â http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Transportation/Parking/RPPFAQ_Sheet_2015.pdf_
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Who We Are
South River City Citizens is an Austin, TX, neighborhood association founded in 1972 to give the residents a voice in their community. SRCC covers Travis Heights, South River City, South Congress, St. Edwards and other parts of South Austin (Map Here).
If you would like to become a full member, please visit our Membership & Dues page.
General membership meetings are held over Zoom. The registration link for attending a meeting is on the agenda. Please register 24 hours in advance. Agendas can be found on the website a few days before the meeting. When possible, hybrid meetings are held both over Zoom and at Good Shepherd on the Hill at 1700 Woodland Ave.”
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